Thursday, April 1, 2010


From Marie Fortune at the FaithTrust Institute:

In fairness to the Pope, there is probably nothing he could have said to the church in Ireland that would be sufficient to bring healing to the thousands of survivors of sexual abuse at the hands of pedophile priests. Too little, too late. I don’t think anyone ever imagined the numbers of victims, the numbers of abusive priests, and the material (not to mention the spiritual) cost facing the Roman Catholic Church. But as the crisis erupts again in Europe and the U.S. with serious questions being raised about the Pope himself, one has to wonder if the men in charge have learned anything in the past 20 years. It would appear not.

If the Vatican were to ask me for advice on how to handle this situation (which they will not), here are my ten steps to justice and healing....

Read Marie's advice to the pope. I can't think of one word that I'd want to add.

Thanks to Ann for the link.


  1. Hear, hear! Well put, Marie. Thanks for pointing us to this, Mimi.

  2. Ann sent me the link. I added a thank you to the post. What would I do without my elves?

  3. Doesn't Viagraville have elves? I think we should call ours "fairies." ;-)

    Great link and she is right on the money.

  4. Doxy, fairies it is. I can't correct my comment, but in the future my helpers will be fairies.


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