Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Wish for your deepest desires, she said
& when I asked if they'd come true, she
said they always do, so you might as well
get them out in the open while you're
still young enough to correct any serious

I'm rather amazed at how many of my deepest desires have come true, but I've had to make adjustments, because life has also dealt me bad hands. However, I prefer to accentuate the positive, although I'm not quite ready to eliminate the negative.

From StoryPeople.


  1. Bingo...but then of course some of us make the same mistakes more than once...I thought I was being ¨fair¨ when in fact I was fearing ¨loss¨ of whatever it was that I thought I must have.

    Never-the-less LIFE is heaven!

    Amen! Amen!

  2. Never-the-less LIFE is heaven!

    Amen! Amen!

    Too true, Leonardo.

    I want to announce that the swifts arrived yesterday over London from their winter home thousands of miles away in Africa and that this means God says summer is here. I love the swifts and look forward all year to the two or so months they hang round. When they leave, they take the summer with them.

    Mimi, when you say your deepest desires have come true, have you gone out of your way to make this happen? Or has God just somehow mysteriously brought this about? Or both?

  3. ...some of us make the same mistakes more than once...

    Leo, yes indeed!

    Cathy, the arrival of the swifts is a lovely thing surely.

    In answer to your question - both. God(?), luck(?), a fairy godmother(?) sending good things my way, which I then take and run with.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I guess it's a good thing, being able to recognise the gift when it arrives. Not everyone does.

    Speaking of which I have another positive thing to thank God for, which is I have to take a six-week break from the Guardian in less than three weeks (it is a condition they impose on all freelancers to avoid giving them jobs), and I had no work to fill in the gap (which is due to the economic climate - it is normally really easy to pick up work) and I was getting quite worried, but the Times has come to the rescue with some shifts. I told God several times I trusted Him to come up with something and that I rely on Him rather than work or anybody or anything else when it comes to money, and He didn't fail, even if it is a bit last-minute. So, many thanks to God.

    I am curious to know what it was that God threw your way that you wanted so much, Mimi, big things?? small things?? but I feel it is rude to ask in a way, so I won't.

    That was me deleting the comment above, I spotted a grammatical error that made something I said confusing.


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