Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The Most Reverend Drexel Gomez will be the keynote speaker at the Albany Diocesan Convention which begins this Friday. Archbishop Gomez is the retired Bishop of Diocese of the Bahamas. He sat on the Lambeth Commission which produced the Lambeth Report in 2004. He was chair of the Covenant Design Group which produced the Anglican Covenant. The selection of Archbishop Gomez as speaker was a shrewd move, as his presence will do much to awe the delegates and help ram through approval of the Anglican Covenant, which is a priority of our diocesan leadership.

Read the rest at Openly Episcopal in Albany.


  1. "... help ram through approval of the Anglican Covenant, which is a priority of our diocesan leadership."

    Interesting choice of words.

  2. Counterlight, the writer is a member of Albany Via Media, the group of loyal Episcopalians in the diocese. Bp. Love is a Communion Partner bishop, one of those with one foot in and one foot out of the Episcopal Church. The Via Media folks don't have much of a say in the diocese, and they don't like the Covenant.

  3. As I have said before, I wonder what is in the water on the west side of Lake Chaplain... that is all I can figure as a reason for the diametric stances of the Diocese of Albany vs the Diocese of Vermont.

  4. I've heard rumours that they will be brining to the floor at least one resolution to leave TEC. We shall just have to wait and see.

  5. Caminante, if you don't know the explanation, being so close, then I surely don't, except for something in the water.

    Ueber-G, the Virginia court decision in favor of TEC may give the delegates pause. On the other hand, Rowan's punishments may give them hope for a life outside of TEC, but still in the Anglican Communion.


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