Saturday, June 12, 2010


From The Huffington Post:

Archbishop for the Military Services USA Timothy Broglio released a statement earlier this month arguing that the federal government should not repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which prevents gay and lesbian men and women from serving openly in the military. He claims that doing so would compromise the faith and role of Roman Catholic military chaplains. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. His arguments are so spurious and misguided it is hard to find a place to begin in refuting them.

The separation of church and state is not threatened by a change in the DADT policy, despite the archbishop's claims. No Roman Catholic chaplain, nor any other chaplain with negative views of homosexuality, will be required to teach, preach, or counsel anything outside their own beliefs. No gay or lesbian serving in the military would expect to go to such a chaplain and receive a blessing on his or her sexual orientation.

The archbishop restates in his letter what everyone knows: The Roman Catholic Church believes and teaches that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered" and "are contrary to the natural law" and that "Homosexual persons are called to chastity." If you go to a chaplain with those beliefs under a repealed DADT, that's still what you're going to get in the way of counsel. What you won't get under the repeal is a dishonorable discharge to boot!

The archbishop inexplicably goes on to drag alcoholics into the debate: "For years, those struggling with alcoholism have benefitted [sic] from Alcoholics Anonymous. Like homosexuality, there is rarely a cure. There is a control through a process, which is guarded by absolute secrecy. It is an equivalent to 'Don't ask don't tell'. The process has worked well for some time without the charge that it is discriminatory."

I can say as a recovering alcoholic and a gay man that there is no end to the problems with this analogy. No one would argue with the reality of the havoc created by an addiction to alcohol--a toll of pain and trouble visited on the individual, families, and society alike. No such social toll is caused by men and women proudly saying to the world, "I'm gay." Saying that there is no cure for homosexuality, as for alcoholism, is to say that there is something that needs curing. The archbishop is welcome to his opinion, but he must admit that it flies in the face of contrary judgments by every reputable psychiatric association in the world.

Archbishop Broglio's analogy of homosexuality with alcoholism is mind-boggling in its ignorance. Perhaps the archbishop should cease commenting in that vein, if he wishes to convince anyone with a brain of the rightness of letting DADT stand. DADT is a policy right out of the Bizarro world of hypocrisy, where up is down, black is white, and nothing is as it seems. That anyone advocates hiding and lying about one's sexual orientation under threat of expulsion as the proper way to run the military today is beyond belief.

Of course, read the rest of Bishop Gene's commentary at HP.


  1. Archbishop Broglio's analogy of homosexuality with alcoholism is mind-boggling in its ignorance¨
    +VG Robinson

    I´ll second that. As a ¨Gay¨ 31+ non-active/continously sober alcoholic who drank to ¨cover¨ my guilt/shame (amongst other things) for 17 years...I can clearly state that God got me sober and has kept me seems that God wanted me to be the authentic person that God created me to be (regardless of what *other* opinions of Gods REAL CREATION various ignoramouses/bigots/hate-mongers and feardriven guardians of religious lies had in mind).

    Thanks be to God that God greatly values self-honesty, individual honor, good personal character and attempts at bonafide integrity amongst heterosexual and LGBT people...God is willing to help us see ourselves better if we are willing.

  2. Leo, I'm the one who said what you quoted!

    But +Gene's words and yours are the best, because you both speak from experience. I grew up with an alcoholic father, and I would definitely have been better off with a gay father.

    Why don't the homophobes put 2+2 together and realize that not being true to oneself can cause one to turn to drink?

  3. Because, chere Grandmere, when they out 2+2 together they know there is not one left to victimize.

    Abusers must have a victim and in our present Western World (and most of Third World) homosexuals are the only group left to legally victimize.

  4. Given the Catholic views on divorced people and atheists perhaps they should be under DADT also.

  5. Gene Robinson is my favorite Evangelical bishop, and Desmond Tutu is my favorite Anglo-Catholic bishop. (I don't have any favorite broad bishop.)

  6. Archbishop Broglio's analogy of homosexuality with alcoholism is mind-boggling in its ignorance¨ Grandmère Mimi

    Dear Mimi, My new latest favorite is the analogy of homosexuality and sexual addiction...if ANYONE wants to see SA (a twelve step group) in action they ought go visit and note the COMPOSITION of LGBT vs. HETEROSEXUALS at a´s about Heterosexual 12 to 1 Homosexual (maybe one bisexual too)...that´s hysterically typical thinking as lofty meanspirited-projecting religious nincompoops (who are probably terrified addictive types on the lamb) would think just because partnered ¨consenting adults¨ don´t abuse anyone they would automatically be sexually addictive GAYS! These fools will go to any length to find a darkened port in the storm to attempt to demoize others from their very own contaminated deepdown place of self-deceiving. Very sick critters (in my opinion) who need help (mental help)...but they must we willing to stop fanning the flames to face their own demons!

  7. Ormonde, perhaps, you should find a broad bishop to favor, or the broad bishops will feel left out.

    Leo, next time, don't hold back, luv. Tell us what you really think.

  8. +Gene is, brilliant in his truth telling. As always.

  9. It's quite simple, boys and girls. Sodomites cannot be bishops.

  10. How soon we forget the "intrinsically disordered" connection between being a Roman bishop and practicing and/or enabling pedophilia - not forgetting protecting and concealing the abuser (think Bernard Law; Hermann Groër and "Bennie" Ratzinger), NCTradCatholic.

  11. Me thinks the Catholic Bishop still believes he has a monopoly on religion in the military and everyone goes to Catholic Church. When in reality there are Methodists, Rabbis, Muslims, and other 'Protestants' Ministers serving from a variety of church traditions. I guess the enclave of Catholic who go to church is so small that the priest knows and can recognize everyone's voice when in the confessional so they can with hold the sacraments as punishments for everyone to see.

    Ah the embarrassment of keeping one's head buried in the sands.

  12. NCTradCatholic, take your nasty comment and repeat it over and over to yourself until you commit it to memory (it's not long), and then meditate on your ugly words for a spell. Perhaps then you can work out just whose words follow the teachings of Christ in this commentary.

    Hint: Not yours, and not your archbishop's.

    Have a nice day.

  13. What a sad person, that "traditional catholic" is! All this way just to hurt others - cross land and sea to proselytize, and make them twice as much a child of Hell.

    The Archbishop doesn't even know about AA! "Don't ask, don't tell?" AA encourages you to tell pretty much everyone you're an alcoholic.

  14. Thank goodness that I get few comments like the nasty from NCTradCatholic. I started to delete, but I decided to leave it as an object lesson in ugly.


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