Monday, June 28, 2010


Gulf Oil Spill

The oil spill tragedy unfolding along our coastline has been weighing heavily on many hearts in this Diocese. Even as we brace for the long-term impact, Episcopal Community Services of Louisiana has begun to step in to support families in Terrebonne Parish whose livelihoods and businesses have already been hurt by the spill’s impact on fishing communities. Working in partnership with Bayou Grace Community Services, a faith-based organization serving the 5-bayou area south of Houma — and with support anticipated from Episcopal Relief & Development and from Oxfam America — ECSLA will provide assistance with groceries and gas cards to help families make ends meet, as well as provide referrals, legal assistance, and pastoral care to residents trying to navigate the assistance channels.

ECSLA is proud to support the resilient and hard-working residents of our fishing communities, and we welcome your help. If you have qualifications to assist with legal aid or pastoral care, and can commit to regular days and times in specific communities, please contact Nell Bolton, Executive Director of ECSLA, at Donations to support this effort can be made through the secure donation site at or by clicking here.

Thank you.

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