Saturday, June 26, 2010



Yesterday, Grandpère and I drove down to Grand Isle, Louisiana. I took pictures of fragile marsh environment along the way. In the picture above is one of many rigs in the marshes. Where there are rigs, there are pipelines, which break up the marsh islands, which are quickly disappearing and, one day, in their place will be open water.


In the distance, is a row of dead oak trees. I'm told that at one time, traveling portions of the old road was like passing through a tunnel of oak trees. One still sees the occasional hardy oak tree, which has managed to survive the intrusion of salt water. Click on the picture to get a larger view of the dead trees.




...and more marshland


An oil storage or processing facility on the way to Grand Isle

On our way home, at this time of the year on a Friday evening, we would have seen a stream of vehicles heading in the opposite direction for a weekend or longer on the beach at Grand Isle, but today was different. Why go to the beach, if you can't go near the water? There are people on Grand Isle, but they're the permanent residents and those working on clean-up.

More pictures of our outing will be forthcoming, but don't expect anything spectacular, because the beach near the water is closed off as a contaminated area.

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