Monday, June 21, 2010


My son and his children are vacationing in Galveston, Texas. Their hotel has a webcam in the lobby, and there they are soon after their arrival as I captured them in a screen shot.

Big Sister and Not-So-Little Brother.

Daddy on the phone talking to guess who? Moi, of course, as we coordinate.

The kids again. Big Sister on the phone this time, with moi again.


  1. that's hysterical! May they all return home rested and recreated!

    o --my wv: rerafted.... yes. that too.

  2. Margaret, I loved it. I told them to coordinate with me again before they leave.

  3. Looks fun (Big B wasn´t/isn´t so smart, not really and neither was/is Hitler, Sarah Palin or George W. Bush...just a lot of expensive paranoia running on overtime for personal/political gain)...funny, I once worked at a Five Star Beach Hotel/Resort that had elaborate video security...the Security office with live screens (dozens) filming was located by the employee cafeteria for all to see...many ¨in house¨ indiscretions/thefts were observed and the employees fired (and these are people who KNEW there were video screens)...then of course there were the Security Department fools who mostly chatted with others instead of watching the screens.

  4. Leo, I know. I hope my family have enough good sense not to commit indiscretions in from of this webcam. Of course, there may be others placed around of which they are not aware.

  5. that is fun. They look like they're having a fine time!!

  6. I seem to be having more fun with the webcam than anyone else.

    I just found out that my daughter's three boys will be in Galveston starting tonight with their dad. I don't know if the two groups will get together. Tomorrow would be the only day, since my son and his children are leaving Friday.


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