Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Bishop Marc Andrus of the Episcopal Diocese of California writes an excellent response to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams' Pentecost letter.

The words in Bishop Marc's response concerning the Windsor Report caught my attention:

For example, the Lambeth Conference was explicitly advertised as a non-legislative meeting; indeed we voted on nothing. However, lo and behold, through a non-transparent “consensus building” process, the bishops present (and so, in Archbishop Rowan’s thinking, the Communion) have affirmed the three moratoria put forward by the Windsor Report.

Here it is also important to note that the Windsor Report itself has been reified and given the status of a central Anglican document of faith and order, not by the test of time and use, but by the Archbishop and those who agree with him saying so.

The process by which the Windsor Report morphed to "a document of faith and order" greatly alarms me. What seems to me to be operative is the putting-the-facts-on-the-ground strategy. Whether a matter is so, or not, continue to say it is so, and it will be so. Amazing! Is it really that simple? I think not, but many in the Anglican Communion, from the ABC on down, seem to have either participated in the fabrication of the ruse or fallen for it. The entire maneuver is dishonest and unworthy, and I thank Bishop Marc for laying the matter out so clearly.

I, for one, don't buy the package.


  1. I had not seen this response by Bp Andrus before. Thanks so much for posting it.

  2. Ellie, Bishop Andrus makes an important point, and I thank him. He was there at Lambeth. He knows.


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