Saturday, July 3, 2010


From David@Montreal:

Before anything else I'd wish a blessed Independence Day to my American siblings in prayer and practice.
Such sad and complicated times we live in
but I truly believe we are living on a transformative cusp
and as a certain beloved Giant has reminded me more than once we are a people of hope.

I'd ask for travelling mercies for my cherished Mam for Sunday July 4
On Friday,. Mam had a fall while visiting her sister in Hamilton Ontario with my sister and her husband
two breaks on her lower left arm- one of them irregular so an operation and two plates will be required.
Waiting time at Hamilton General for this surgery would be until Thurs or Friday of next week, so Cathy and Yves will be driving Mam back tomorrow- stopping every hour to get out of the car and walk about to avoid bloodclots. Normally a six hour trip it will end up much longer, and Mam is to be admitted directly to hospital here in Quebec- thankfully it will be the hospital where one of my nieces is in charge of emergency medicine.

I'd beg your prayers for Kirstin, undergoing aggressive treatment for her second bout with cancer- a rough one with multiple sites. But hey I've got the Giants on the case!
Prayers for John, whose esophagial cancer appears to be out of control again.
For Rosemary, one of the most determined people battling cancer I've seen in some time. She tells me she's doing it for her husband and two young sons, but I think it's her Armenian genes!
For Frank & Carol.
For Dorian.
For Juan Manuel and his incredible parents M. & J.
For those who are walking the path of discernment at this time
and for those working, aching, dreaming or studying to bring about a better way of doing things in our suffering world, particularly this evening I'd ask for those who are laboring or fighting to better the lives of women- most particularly in the developing world.

For the minds and hearts of those responsible for healing the Gulf, that they will be moved to the courage, vision and resolve the situation requires.
For those who armor their fear with hatred- wether it's the people of Arizona, those who rush to follow their ugly example, certain cowardly bishops, or wall-building individual and nations. 'Emotional midgets trying to throw a giants shadow.'

with my love, gratitude for each of you Giants, and my prayers for those on your hearts

love always- always Love


Lord, hear our prayers.


  1. For all of these your children, Lord . . . and for my friend, Cath.

    I saw her last week. She still looks good . . . but the cancer is taking a toll on her spirit, I fear. [Freshly off her last bout of maintenance chemo, w/ hard-core chemo to "look forward" to mid-month, for her liver and bone mets.]

    She still appreciates life's pleasures (like our mutual love of Xena, Warrior Princess, of which we watched 4 eps on Wednesday! :-) )

    But it's getting harder.

    Pray Cath---with ALL cancer sufferers---gets a miracle?

  2. And let our cry come to Thee.

  3. Prayers for every warrior fighting the cancer wars--patients, families, physicians and all others in the health care field who are assisting. May God give them strength, relief from pain, wisdom, compassion, patience and skill. May God also deliver to all involved his healing grace.


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