Friday, July 2, 2010


From the Guardian:

The newly elected lord mayor of Leicester was forced to apologise today after suffering a wardrobe malfunction which onlookers described as "something out of a Carry On film".

As he stood up in front of a room full of schoolchildren to thank the organisers of an educational summer show, Colin Hall felt an unfamiliar draft as his trousers came loose and slipped down around his ankles.

Hall, 46, suffered the embarrassing mishap on a visit to Southfields library in Leicester yesterday morning.

One said: "It was like watching something out of a Carry On film. You half expected him to be wearing a big pair of comedy bloomers but as soon as he realised what had happened he pulled his back trousers up."

Did I ever tell you...? No, really. One day, some years ago, I drove to New Orleans for a Jane Austen Society luncheon. As I was riding along, I unbuttoned my skirt, because it felt tight. When I arrived at the Upperline Restaurant, I got out of the car, and before I knew what had happened, my skirt was around my ankles. The only person around was an elderly black man whose eyes widened when he saw me, and then he quickly looked away. Oh dear!

After I pulled up my skirt, I had a good laugh at myself, and I went into the restaurant with a wardrobe malfunction story to tell at lunch.


  1. Our Mimi could provide halftime entertainment at the Superbowl.

  2. Surely my comment of the day, Pablito. You are a dear, funny friend, even if you are a corrupting influence.

  3. They'd probably been sabotaged by an Anglican.

  4. Lapin, I saw the story of his discontinuing prayers at public meetings and the appointment of secular chaplains. I agree with Hall about the prayers at meetings of the civil authorities.

    Maggi Dawn commented:

    The juxtaposition of the two stories seemed to suggest that the trousers-falling-down incident was a judgement from God. Of course it wasn’t....

  5. When you next see my beloved remember to ask her about the incident in the fish and chip shop in Southwold.

  6. Obviously someone else has taken to heart my stepgrandmother's saying - why be a fool if you can't act like it once in awhile. Comes in handy.

  7. Mimi, I am guessing you carried off your sartorial incident with rather more flair than the new Lord Mayor of Leicester. Mind you, his did take place in front of a large group of schoolchildren, so it could hardly have been worse, in terms of the embarrassment factor.

  8. Counterlight, I hope I never lose my ability to have a laugh at my own expense.

    DP, I will. I will.

    Piskie, exactly. And there's the added advantage of having a story to tell. We southerners love our stories.

    Cathy, poor man. I would not change places with him.


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