Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Along with Counterlight, I'm having difficulty with comments. Even mine don't always post. I have your comments in my email notification, but they don't appear in the comment boxes. I'm not blocking or deleting. Perhaps they'll show up eventually.


  1. Comments seem to be working for me now.

  2. Some comments go through, and others don't. I still have a small backlog of unpublished comments, which may have disappeared into the ethers of the internet by now.

  3. It seems to be working (at least for me) now -- had the same problem earlier today.

  4. The pending comments came in a flood just now. Yay!

  5. They are showing up in the box, just not updating the "0 comments" link at the base of the post.

  6. IT, until a half hour or so ago, the comments were not in the boxes but only in my email notifications. The numbering is still not accurate.

  7. I've had trouble with the comments on my blog too. BTW, when I opened Wounded Bird it showed "1 COMMENTS" when actually there were 6.

  8. I've posted a link on my FB site which I got from Ericka Baker to lodge complaints. Apparently, they've had a few glitches in their system which they're working out. I was having the same problem, but everything seems to be well now.

    Sheesh! I feel like a crack addict. Get me used to then hooked on technology and when I can't make it work, I'm crazed.

  9. Sheesh! I feel like a crack addict.

    I know. I know.


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