Wednesday, July 21, 2010


From CNN:

A school district in Mississippi has agreed to pay a recent high school graduate $35,000 in damages and adopt a policy prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, according to a statement released Tuesday by the American Civil Liberties Union.

The settlement comes after the ACLU sued the school district in Fulton, Mississippi, on behalf of Constance McMillen, a lesbian teen who was told by Itawamba Agricultural High School officials she and her girlfriend would be ejected if they attended the school-sponsored prom.

The agreement, which was filed Tuesday, ends the lawsuit.
"I'm so glad this is all over. I won't ever get my prom back, but it's worth it if it changes things at my school," McMillen said in a statement released Tuesday.

No student should be put through the cruelty that Constance endured, and, as a result of the lawsuit and settlement, no student in a public school in Itawamba Country should have to in the future. Thank you, Constance for standing against bigotry and fighting the good fight.

My other posts on Constance are here and here.


  1. Good for Constance, and may God bless her and her future girlfriend(s).

  2. Constance was pushed to grow up more quickly than most kids graduating from high school, and she responded with grace and maturity.


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