Wednesday, July 28, 2010


From NOLA:

A leaking oil wellhead in lower Jefferson Parish could be plugged today, according to a parish official, but the investigation into the cause of the spill continues.

An oil wellhead on Bayou St. Denis near the Barataria Waterway continues to spew oil, contaminated water and natural gas after a dredge barge crashed into the rig early Tuesday.

The company contracted to cap and plug the damaged well is on site and preparing to begin work, said Deano Bonano, Jefferson Parish director of homeland security. Wild Well Control of Harahan is currently doing a site examination of the well, and depending on the results, could have the leak stopped today, he said.

The well is small. Thanksgiving for small mercies.


  1. I guess humankind really needs to start putting some serious investment into alternatives to oil.

    I would seriously favour some sort of donkey and wooden cart arrangement to get to work. I'm not joking. I would love that. The donkey might not but that's another story.

  2. Cathy, there are around 3500 active rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. That's not counting the capped and abandoned wells.

  3. Meanwhile, in the area I just moved away from:

    Crews rush to contain massive oil spill in Kalamazoo River

    "At least 16 miles of the Kalamazoo River system have been touched by crude oil in what could rank as the Midwest's worst spill..."

    I've gone fishing (successfully!) in exactly the area where the oil is leaking, and I'm *sickened* by this. WTF is going on w/ all these spills??? >:-0

  4. Mimi, that's just a ridiculous number of wells.

    JCF - you go fishin'?? ...

  5. We are addicted. We can't just point the finger at oil companies and the federal agancies. We must ask ourselves, "What are you willing to give up to have clean energy"?

    And then, we must gather our forces to influence politicians at all levels to move seriously and quickly to develop clean energy sources.


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