Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Lapin notes in the comments:

And an excellent post this morning by "Wilf" at Thinking Anglicans:

"What none of the press reports seem to acknowledge is that there is significant accommodation of those opposed to the ordination of women as priests and bishops. They have a statutory right to ask for male only ministry, which they will then get. For many of us that is a pretty big concession.

What has happened is that the legislation commended by the Synod has framed concessions for objectors in this way (the ability to decline ministry) rather than by setting up alternative structures or introducing the ability to claim that women priests are lawful but invalid. This is consistent with the approach of the 1992 measure (i.e. resolutions A and B).

If press journalists are reading this - please stop saying that there is no accommodation for those opposed in the legislation.

And if the ABC is reading this - please say something positive about the wonderful contribution of women priests over the last 16 years and deacons over the last 23. This sort of morale-boosting affirmation would be very well received by a group of priests who have to spend a great deal of time being told that they're a problem."

Quite true. It's not as though those opposed to women bishops for reasons of conscience walk away empty-handed. The moaning of the objectors distracts us all, including the press, from the accommodations for them that are included in the legislation.

And wouldn't it be lovely if the ABC praised and thanked the women who have served the Church of England and its people for a good many years?

UPDATE: Ann Fontaine at The Lead posts on the years-long process still to come before the Church of England ordains its first woman bishop.


  1. Sorry, the ABC is a fogged up, snitty twit who tries to make complicated "Nature" taking it's course...one would think he would have learned how to pay attention to the wonders and clarity of Gods World around him instead on trying to mud wrestle with REALITY and the revelations of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately Dr. Williams has fallen into a death trap of his own muddled thinking and it may be too late for him to climb out and breathe freely again.

  2. Leonardo, so you don't think it will happen, then? Of course, the ABC could show his appreciation by his deeds, rather than mere words. The women in the CofE would love it!

  3. The issue with the most vocal conservatives is not themselves It's the idea that anyone anywhere has a woman bishop.

    They will never be happy if women are lifted up, anywhere in England, even if far away from themselves..

  4. I don't think ++Rowan knows the difference between couples only and all skate...surely he'd ponder then offer one option that he thought seemlier according to whatever he is told is best.

  5. IT, you're right. Even of all the concessions had been granted, those opposed to women bishops would still not have been satisfied and would continue to whine and threaten to leave.

    DP, it's tiresome. Shit or get off the pot. Not you. Them.

  6. Leonardo, si. Verdad!

    Blogger is acting up again with comments.

  7. If ONLY were about women...the throat tightens when one thinks of *those* women and then *those* kind of men...who are we kidding, this not-so-little hate campaign has always been more about fear of the unknown than the reality of having female priests promoted to Canon and THEN WHAT? (all the while turning a blind eye to the scampering footsteps of both heterosexual and LGBT people at Church)...silly geese are terrified of the very world in which they currently LIVE... egads...cowards prefer self-deceit to responsible reality!

  8. "They have a statutory right to ask for male only ministry, which they will then get."

    Makes me wonder if our good friends across the pond shouldn't also have the right to ask for a female only ministry!

    (I am sooooo tired of all these temper-tantrum-tempests in the ecclesiastical teapot. Will we ever get around to the business of actually being the church?)

  9. Leo, the old boys club mentality still rules in England in certain circles. And, yes, some of the old boys were/are teh gay, but they were/are "discreet".

    Makes me wonder if our good friends across the pond shouldn't also have the right to ask for a female only ministry!

    Holly, why not? What's sauce for the gander....

    Throwing temper tantrums and paying attention to them take time away from mission.


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