Saturday, July 31, 2010


From Pluralist Speaks:

Host: Good evening to this weeks' What's the Point? discussion forum on Radio Eboracum featuring some of this country's leading bishops. We have the Main Most Reverend Rowanov Treetri, Archbishop of Anglicanism, the Other Most Reverend John Sendmehome, the Archbishop of the North, the retiring scholarly Right Reverend New Testament Wrong, lately Bishop of the North East, the soon to retire Right Reverend John Sackme, Bishop of Imp, and Right Reverend Donald W. M. Troosers, Bishop of Peter Brough.

Archbishop Sendmehome never fails to be prepared with stories, and, although his stories sometimes don't actually relate to the subject at hand, they are always quite funny, or, at least, a little funny.

Three men start talking to a girl in church. One says, "Hello, I'm Peter but not a saint," and then the next one says, "Me, I'm Paul but not a pope," and then the last one says, "Well, I'm John but not the Baptist," and she replies, "Hello chaps, and I'm Mary but not the virgin."

Well, the archbishop's stories make me laugh, although I'm a wee bit ashamed of the admission.

I've read enough of the words of three of the bishops to know that Pluralist has them just right. Read the rest over there.

Oh, and Pluralist supplies his own original illustrations, one of which is pictured above, of the bishops who participated in the interview. If you scroll down, you will see on my sidebar Pluralist's illustration of me.


  1. Speaking of Sentamu, earlier this week I came across an interview he gave in 1996 to Robbie Low, vicar of St. Peter's, Bushey Heath, diocese of St. Albans. Sentamu, who had been appointed to his first step on the episcopal ladder - Stepney, suffragan to London - a month earler, was perhaps more unguarded in his comments than would be the case today. Speaking of his early career as a lawyer, he says "After my degree I got a job as an assistant to the Chief Justice re-drafting the Ugandan penal code. Very exciting. We had to get rid of this very English problem of “intention” and get back to the central question. Did he do it or not? ”I only beat my wife because the devil made me do it”, is not a Ugandan defence!"

    There, if I'm not mistaken, goes the distinction between sins of omission and of commission. A finger we can trust on the button of the Anglican Covenant?

  2. "Mary but not the virgin" made me laugh too, Mimi.

  3. Lapin, I'll check your link.

    Who was it that called it the Kovenant? Kovenent for Krazies. Who needs it?

    Cathy, the jokes are so silly, that they're funny.

    Pluralist is wicked. I think he will go to hell.

  4. The Pluralist always makes sense to me...++Rowan does not...I´m clueless as to what the ¨first amongst less-than-capable sequels¨ thinks is appropriate moral leadership at The Anglican Communion? Rowan Williams is sort of the Tony Hayward of religious life! ¨I wasn´t present when that decision was made¨ (pick any)!

  5. Williams is sort of the Tony Hayward of religious life!

    Leo, my love, that is priceless!

  6. There are characters to mimic, like Rowan Williams, but there are others to make up and the point about Sentamu is I imagine him even with his drums as a true Yorkshireman, so he tells one liner jokes, plus he courts publicity. Wright comes across as aggressive and thanks people for their support, sure of himself. As for Donald Allister, he was a fundy who regarded liberals as evil and yet when he was appointed thought he included everyone in the C of E. John Saxbee is the Bishop of Lincoln, of the church where I used to be communicant, who is put up as some sort of leading liberal bishop but, as far as I can tell, has never uttered any word of any dissent ever, but he heads the group called the Modern Churchpeople's Union. He retires shortly.

  7. Adrian, thank you for the added info on the bishops. I don't know if you've seen the video of Bp. N. T. Wrong's appearance on the Stephen Colbert Show, but he was very much into the character that you portray in your satire.

    And I can only say that I like your Abp. Sendmehome better than the other archbishop with a similar name.


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