Monday, July 19, 2010


A couple of days ago, I posted on Sen. David Vitter's comments about Rachel Maddow during a radio interview - comments which did him no credit at all.

According to Greg Sergant at The Plum Line, Sen. Vitter has apologized.

Dear Rachel,

Regarding my remark during a radio conversation today, I apologize.

The hosts made their comment and I obviously chimed in. While we do not usually agree on the issues, I do not think you deserved that comment.



The senator could have left out, "While we do not usually agree on the issues...," but still, he aplolgized. Credit due.

Rachel Maddow responded graciously:

Dear Senator Vitter --

As a former radio host who knows how on-air exchanges like that can escalate, I both understand how it happened, and appreciate the apology.

Thank you.

Best wishes,


Thanks to Cathy for the link to Sargent's post.


  1. I was not aware that he agrees with ANYthing she has said.

  2. Susan, including "a", "and", and "the".

    Crapaud, Rachel is all-around classy.

  3. I hate to say it, Mimi, but someone round Vitter has some political savvy, perhaps even he himself, in that he was right from a PR point of view to say sorry and to make it snappy. I can't believe he really cares or would have said anything if it hadn't been spotted as potentially damaging.

  4. Cathy, Vitter must have a few competent people on his staff, but I believe he's a bit concerned about this election. Compared to Vitter, Melancon, his opponent in the race, has a personal life is squeaky clean.

  5. Yes, that may well explain his haste to say he "didn't mean it, Mum".

  6. I don't mind the "While we do not usually agree on the issues," but I could seriously have lived w/o the qualification "I do not think you deserved..."

    I guess for a Republican, this is the height of graciousness, I suppose...

  7. I guess for a Republican, this is the height of graciousness, I suppose...

    JCF, exactly.


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