Thursday, July 15, 2010


If you cannot decipher anything, then try pulling gently on the outer corner of your eyes.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. That's very good. I had to take the specs off!

  2. Sometimes I can make out the letters without pulling the corners of my eyes, but other times no. I love this sort of thing. I am easily amused.

  3. I thought it was too much sex that made you go blind? You can't win, can you.

  4. Depends what kind of sex, Cathy. Some kinds make you blind, others make you healthy.

  5. No one ever tells you this stuff till it's too late, do they.

  6. That is the most amazingly frustrating darned thing I've ever seen. I can see the letters with my peripheral vision, but in the attempt to read the text, my eyes jump to put the stuff in the center of the visual field, and the text isn't there any more. I can make the staircase illusion jump in and out almost at will, but not this!

    In defiance of all reason, I worked out the text by sheer reasoning, and then pulled on the eye; the results proved that the eye has reasons that the reason knows not.

  7. Porlock, when I squint, I can see the letters, too. My husband took one look and read the text without doing anything to his eyes. Amazing how the eye/brain connection works differently in each person.

  8. I spotted "no sex" immediately. Fearing that Mimi had suddenly become a Puritan warrior, I was alarmed, squinted as I drew back, and the entire text was evident. Which I noted with great relief.

  9. As though I have the power to decree....

  10. Oh, David G.! :-D

    Thanks for dropping in and leaving a word. What you say is true, but who sits 5 ft. away from the computer?


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