Monday, July 12, 2010


In his sermon posted at Ekklesiastes, Tobias Haller tells a beautiful story of faith inspired by the reading assigned for the day from Deuteronomy 30:11-14.

The commandment that I am commanding you today is not too hard for you, nor is it too far away… No, the word is very near to you…

Listen, or read, or both. You won't be sorry. Remember that Tobias was once an actor, and he does not hesitate to use his thespian skills in preaching.


  1. Elizabeth, he is. You're pretty brilliant, yourself, you know.

  2. Dear friends, this is high praise from two of the most sparkling bright and shiny folks I know...

  3. Thanks for the link, Mimi. And thank you, Tobias for your wonderful sermon.

    Would that all preachers could speak with your enunciation and brightness. The study of Rhetoric and Preaching Skills seem to have gone out the window in the last 20 years. I believe that the false notion that a microphone can make anyone heard is part of the problem. I am sure that I have been in the room with some good sermons lost in the inability of the speaker to 'act' with Tobias' skills. I mourn the loss of debate teams, good poetry readers, and speechmakers(we used to learn these things in the smallest of public schools) that direct their thoughts outward instead of "keeping it to themselves."


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