Sunday, August 1, 2010


"I don't know how many more disasters the Louisiana people can cope with," Mr Brigtsen said. "We're tired of being resilient."

Brightsen's is a lovely, small uptown restaurant which serves fine food. The first scene in the video shows the River Road and the Mississippi River levee at the end of the street.

Right across Dante Street from Brightsen's is Dante's Kitchen, another good restaurant. All over the city of New Orleans, small restaurants such as these serve very good to excellent food. Not all the restaurants will make it.

I'm like Brightsen's wife. I want to cry.

From the Telegraph in the UK.


  1. Grandmere. I am without words in this regard. My heart breaks when I think of it. Maybe the best thing to do is to cry.....

  2. When Brightsen's voice breaks at the end.... In the company of chefs from all over the world, Frank Brightsen is a shining light.


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