Saturday, September 11, 2010


Nicked from MotherAmelia at My Mother Is a Father, who says:

Watch this Nissan commercial. It was aired at the New Orleans Saints' football game and it really nails the global warming issue. Besides, polar bears are beautiful creatures to watch. Makes me want to consider a Leaf as my next car.

Me, too. It's a great commercial. Good for Nissan.


  1. Electric vehicles, of course need electricity to charge them and a lot of our electricity is generated by coal, so I'm not sure how much carbon dioxide we would save. What is really need is more electrical generation from non CO2 producing sources. Then a LEAF would make sense. Maybe if Maine starts generating more power from wind off shore..........

    I still love that polar bear.

  2. It's silly (the ad), but very effective.

  3. Perhaps the commercial made a few folks think.

  4. I would prefer to travel around in a sulky drawn by a small donkey. Or one of those Arabian nights-style palanquins carried on the shoulders of four strapping gentlemen. Either of those options would be good for polar bears.

  5. I wanted him to come and live at my house! (It's a lot nearer.)


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