Sunday, September 12, 2010


From Slashdot:

"'Galileo Was Wrong' is an inaugural conference to discuss the 'detailed and comprehensive treatment of the scientific evidence supporting Geocentrism, the academic belief that the Earth is immobile in the center of the universe.'

Ann V. sent me the link to the website sponsoring the conference with the subject, "you gotta be kidding me". The conference is real, but what to say about the folks who believe "the Earth is immobile in the center of the universe"? For every cockamamie idea that arises, the gullible are out there to latch on to it.

A few, not all, of the subjects to be discussed:

Geocentrism: They Know It, But They're Hiding It
Scientific Experiments Showing Earth Motionless In Space
The Biblical Firmament: Outer Space Is Not Empty (Who says it is?)
The Fathers and Exigesis of Scripture on Geocentrism
Carbon 14 & Radiometric Dating Show Young Earth

Ya gotta be kidding me.

Slashdot adds:

Unfortunately, there is still a significant minority of Western people who believe that the Earth is the center of the universe: 18% of Americans, 16% of Germans, and 19% of Britons."

I hope there is live blogging from the conference.

Me, too.


  1. Well, I guess if you just look up you would think everything revolves around Earth. But I suspect the people who believe this are people who believe the world revolves around them.

  2. Apparently there are still people who believe that the earth is square, too, because of what it says in the Bible!

  3. But I suspect the people who believe this are people who believe the world revolves around them.

    Excellent, Piskie.

    Susan, not only is the earth square, but anyone with sense can see that the sky is a dome.

  4. And there be dragons at the edge of the ocean where it meets the sky.

  5. What did P.T. Barnum say about a sucker being born every minute? Even in the Information Age, it's still the same, no?

  6. Stay tuned folks. My son who has an internet radio talk show is going to try to get an interview with the leader of the conference. If he does I will let you all know when it is available.

    He seems to have an interesting viewpoint. He also wrote a book proving that there is a Purgatory.


  7. jimB, does that mean Galileo is in purgatory? I thought JP2 let him out. Did B16 lock him up again? I think JP2 did away with limbo, but you know, it's hard to keep up with the latest in doctrinal fashion these days. Maybe I'm thinking of Pradatory for those who sin against couture?

  8. Jim, please keep us informed about the interview if it takes place.

    To use Jim's favorite expression, FWIW, I believe in something akin to Purgatory myself, but, in my Purgatory, you move on up, but there's no going back.


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