Tuesday, September 28, 2010


From the Houston Chronicle:

Asher Brown's worn-out tennis shoes still sit in the living room of his Cypress-area home while his student progress report — filled with straight A's — rests on the coffee table.

The eighth-grader killed himself last week. He shot himself in the head after enduring what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other students at Hamilton Middle School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District.

Brown, his family said, was "bullied to death" — picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his mother and stepfather said.

The 13-year-old's parents said they had complained about the bullying to Hamilton Middle School officials during the past 18 months, but claimed their concerns fell on deaf ears.

When will school authorities begin to take the bullying and abuse seriously? How many kids will have to die before the members of our communities take note and force those authorities to implement policies to prevent such tragedies from happening?

Cy Fair ISD officials said Monday that they never received any complaints from Brown's parents before the suicide about the way the boy was being treated at school.

School district spokeswoman Kelli Durham said no students, school employees or the boy's parents ever reported that he was being bullied.

That statement infuriated the Truongs, who accused the school district of protecting the bullies and their parents.

In an opinion piece in the Chronicle, gay dad, Barry Baxter, writes:

There’s a great deal of outrage directed at the students who bullied Asher consistently during his two years at Hamilton, and rightly so. There’s additional focus on a school administration that Asher’s parents and others say looks the other way when students suffer abuse at the hands of their peers. That scrutiny must continue.

But there’s an even broader and more insidious force at work in our country when it comes to gay teen suicide. Granted, gay rights may be inching slowly forward in the court system, but that progress has contributed greatly to unprecedented levels of self-esteem battering rhetoric in the media and from the pulpit.

Yes, the bullies and their despicable behavior are responsible for Asher’s death. But so is the toxic, virulently anti-gay environment that continues to swirl around all of our children.

And when will the rest of the people in the country take responsibility for contributing to the toxic environment in which LGTB persons are forced to live and that drives so many young people to take their lives?

May Asher Brown rest in peace and rise in glory.

May God give comfort, consolation, and peace to Asher's parents and to all who love him.

May God have mercy on us all!

H/T to Timothy Kincaid at Box Turtle Bulletin.


  1. I am grateful for this series, making us all mindful of the issue, though it is heartbreaking to read it.

  2. Paul, my heart breaks as the numbers rise. Of course, what I'm doing now shows only the tip of the iceberg of the current tragedies. What would the number be if I had tracked from the beginning of my blogging life? I don't even want to know the answer. When will we ever learn?

  3. Mimi, "do as I say, not as I do." No, I don't hate you and your clan, but on a "grown-Up" level, your blog aften deals with and glorifes hate for those who don't think exactly as you do. And you associate with real hate mongers.Like Word.... Don

  4. ..your blog aften deals with and glorifes hate for those who don't think exactly as you do.

    Don, that's your opinion, and, of course, you have a right to your opinion. We're talking about the lives of young people here, and I won't mince words, but I don't advocate or glorify hate.

    I take my lead from the words of the likes of Bishop Oscar Romero:

    “Let those who have a voice, speak out for the voiceless.”

    And Fr Roy Bourgeois:

    Silence is the voice of complicity.

  5. Don,

    I was intrigued by your accusation. I went back and read the blog posts from the past two months. Could you please point out a concrete example that shows how this blog 'glorifies hate for those who don't think exactly as (Mimi) does'? I've seen posts where Mimi disagrees with what other people have done, but I haven't seen anything that is evidence of hatred.

  6. Mimi,
    This is so important. The Family Research Council adamantly opposes programs that address bullying. They wilfully ignore the real consequences of bullying. Unless, of course, they think that the lives of gay (or gay-perceived) kids are not worth saving--and they don't care.

  7. Barry, thank you. I'm much obliged that you took the time to read my posts.

    IT, exactly. Folks like the members of the FRC are pro-life when it's convenient for them to be pro-life, but they feel free to ignore the loss of the lives of a good many of their fellow humans.

    Don, up there, one more thing. As to my guilt by association, you nailed me there. I run with the sinners. Do you know why? Because I am one of them.

    ...all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;

    And, for me, there's the example of the man who walked the earth 2000 years ago and sought out the company of all manner of sinful and disreputable people.

  8. Accusing Mimi of glorifying hatred is so ridiculous I don't know where to start with it. I would also like Don to come up with a specific example of what he means (and in particular, who he thinks these "hate mongers" are?). The fact that Mimi rightly points out the shameful negligence of schools that turn a blind eye to bullying is not hatred. How could anyone conceivably think it is? Unless, Don, you think gay students deserve to be bullied?

  9. If I have any complaints about you, Grandmere, it's that you're too nice to the likes of Don, and God bless you for it.

  10. Awful news about Asher, also. Prayers for his family.

  11. Barry,let me be clear. I support women priest;gay rights (including marriage);I despise bullying.

    I find many examples of hate in Mimi blogs. I see them; you apparently don't. The attacks on the the Pope, ugly carricatures of the same.If you can't see them, we'll just have to leave. And, of course, the attacks on Anglicans not in the Episcopal Church.

    And her 100 per cent support of the cruel and wicked English priest(MADPRIRST?) and worst of all,her 'handholding' with the vilest blogger of all,Wordwood doxy,show to all her 'friends'.

    I am Episcopal but despise these vicious anti-covenant people. I OPPOSE the "Covenant".Why not attack ideas, not persons. This covenant thing will never end with rude attacks on others. Don

  12. Don, you sneaked by me at first, but you gave yourself away with this comment. Methinks I see the fingerprints of a troll we all know so well by multiple other names. I may need to control your comments if you continue with the same old, same old. This is the last time a comment of yours gets to stay unless you stop the personal attacks and start making sense.

    I'd also ask the rest of you to refrain from responding to the troll. It only encourages them.

  13. Counterlight and all, nice Mimi may be leaving the premises. Say, "Good-bye".

  14. Not goodbye to nice Mimi but byebye to the likes of Don whoever he is.

  15. Caminante, I meant nice Mimi regarding Don's comments, including comments by him under the guise of his other names. I won't put up with them. He's been around before, and nothing good comes from his leavings.

  16. I think I recognize him. Isn't he a regular troll on Madpriest's blog?

  17. Don's reply to my query told me everything that I need to know. (Something along the lines of 'by their fruits you will know them.')

    Please accept my apologies; I won't feed the troll again.

  18. Barry, no apology necessary. I fed the troll first, because I did not realize who he was.

  19. And her 100 per cent support of the cruel and wicked English priest(MADPRIRST?) and worst of all,her 'handholding' with the vilest blogger of all,Wordwood doxy,show to all her 'friends'.

    This is either a (tasteless) parody . . . or we should have mercy on someone who (as "the cruel and wicked English priest" would ID/relate to) is seriously mentally ill. Or possibly both.


    just because

    and also


  20. JCF, as I said upthread:

    I'd also ask the rest of you to refrain from responding to the troll. It only encourages them.

    I know your heart is in the right place, and I appreciate the hugs, but, in the future, all of the trolls comments will be deleted, so your comments won't make sense and may have to be deleted, too. Herman, Don, Mark, Jack, John and whatever other names the troll chooses to call himself are all the same person, the Tulsa troll.

    A troll by any other name is still a troll, so please don't respond to any trollish comments by whatever name. Thanks.


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