Saturday, September 4, 2010


Thanks to Ann.


  1. Do you realize that at least 50% of people now alive will not get this?

  2. Lapin, I hadn't thought about it, but you're probably correct, however, I don't see enlightening the 50% as part of my responsibility.

  3. So, she's old and 'blonde'(from a bottle surely). The joke is older than she is.

  4. Well, she's blonde from the bottle, that's for sure. Do you find it offensive, Susan?

  5. Frequently used in ethnic jokes (unfortunately). Better used in "My boss is so stupid, s/he..." jokes {sotto voce, of course!}.

  6. Not really, Mimi, it's just that I feel for the old the older I get.

  7. JCF, I realize that there is nothing new under the sun and that close to 100% of the jokes and cartoons I post are derivative and most certainly not original. I posts 'em as I gets 'em, with no questions asked, except that I have boundaries that I won't cross and stereotypes that I won't play into.'s just that I feel for the old the older I get.

    Susan, I do, too, and, as I said, I have boundaries and screen out a lot of what I get, but if we go too far along the path of PC, we can't laugh at anyone or anything, because someone in the great out there may be offended.

  8. I thought this was hysterical. Probably because I once had the world's worse secretary. I listened to this person insert paper into a typewriter, type a few words, remove the paper and start again for at least fifteen times over a half hour period. He never got to the whiteout. You should have seen the disaster with the the new Wang word processor document.

  9. Amelia, he couldn't get the paper in with 15 tries? That's a record so far as I know.

  10. He got the paper in, but whatever errors he was making in the typing of the letter, was apparently more than whiteout could handle.

  11. I'm trying to decide if your explanation makes the secretary look any more efficient.

  12. This reminded me of when I worked in a personnel office. One of our duties was to collect data from all of the departments in the institution. The Director's Office had two, count 'em, two, IBM-MTST (Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter) machines, word processors that were forerunners of desktop computers. It used to irritate us, the personnel clerks who had mere IBM Typewriters, that the reports we got from those women always had layers of Liquid Paper all over them when all they had to do was edit their input and print out a perfect copy every time. Every one of us would have killed for one of those machines, and the ones who had them were too dull to understand what they had and how to use them.

  13. P.S. Those women (see above) were neither old nor blond, just not bright.

  14. Boocat, I had one of the old word processors, and I thought I had died and gone to heaven when I could do away with Liquid Paper.

    Those women (see above) were neither old nor blond, just not bright.

    Yes, people like that do exist - men, too.

  15. This was lost on me, but for a different reason. Not before I had read all the comments did I see what the woman was doing... And that was Funny ;-)


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