Monday, September 20, 2010


Lisa at My Manner of Life is preparing to say good-bye to Scotty, pictured above, in better days. Scotty went to live with Lisa as a kitten, and they have been together for 19 years, nearly her entire adult life.

Saying Goodbye to Scotty

In the name of God the Father,
who created you and all the animals,
in the name of Jesus the Son,
who spoke of you in parables and stories,
in the name of the Holy Spirit,
in whom every creature lives, moves, and has their being,
go now in peace, dear friend.

May you find rest near refreshing waters,
may you lie in cool, green pastures,
and may you warm yourself under the sun that never sets.

You have been my constant companion,
my shadow and confidante,
my comfort and playmate.
You filled my days with life and brought me endless joy.
For this I give thanks to God who gave you to me.

Now return to your Maker who eagerly waits for you
as you waited for me at the end of each day.

In the Father’s arms, let there be no more pain.
Let there be no more suffering.
Let there be only light as it was on the day God created you.

For our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Blessed be the name of the Lord, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer by Diana Macalintal from San José Diocese.

O God, we ask that you be powerfully present with Lisa during this difficult time as parting with Scotty draws near. Give her comfort, consolation, and your peace that passes understanding to keep her mind and heart in Christ Jesus. Amen.