Tuesday, October 26, 2010


My American readers, just in case you don't know, election time approaches. Yesterday, I linked to Doxy's rant. Today I give you Allison Hantschel's rant in Siren Magazine:

I am sending the entire U.S. electorate and all its politicians to bed without supper.

I mean it this time. No more counting to three, no more giving time-outs and believing promises from voters that they’ll be really, really good this time and not hit their sisters. I am down to my last nerve, and you’re all getting on it. So keep it up if you want to miss Chicken Strip/Pizza Night and be hungry until breakfast. Don’t test me. I’m in no mood.

The stupidity seems to be spreading. Breeding. Like mold. Democrats have decided that since they’re going to lose seats in the House anyway, they might as well do it in the most cowardly fashion possible, and they’re running away from the president and their own party as fast as they can. Because that worked so well in 1994. And 1996. And 1998. And 2000. I was in high school in the 1990s and my political instincts then told me it was unwise to dump your friends the minute the cool kids decided those friends weren’t cool. Not only does it not make the cool kids like you, but pretty much everybody thinks you’re a gutless asshole, and now you don’t have any friends. Nevertheless, Democrats persist in thinking voters will love them, if only they protest that they’re not really Democrats.

In case everybody hasn’t noticed while they’re busy attending to their personal traumas, the earth is caving in. Unemployment is above 9 percent. We’re still fighting two wars. Large numbers of homes are in foreclosure, food is only getting more expensive, it’s about to get cold when more families than ever are homeless, the eggs are full of salmonella, and Johnny Knoxville is getting paid to make movies. This is no time to hand over the reins of government to batshit crazy people who hear voices from God telling them to run things. This is no time to take politics so lightly that we can acquiesce to being run by Tea Party nutbars who think the Black Panthers are about to take over the world.

Go Allison! Of course, Allison (aka Athenae, ranter-in-chief at First Draft) doesn't need my goading to launch into a Class I rant. The woman just has it in her.

Blue Dog Democrats are the only kind who are ever elected in my Gret Stet of Loosiana, and it drives me crazy. Sadly, a good many Democrats in the rest of the country seem to be following their lead in campaigning under the name of Democrat, while distancing themselves from the president and the Democratic Party. Might it not be better to have an honest Republican holding office? Then we'd know whom to blame or praise.


  1. And, the rent is too DAMN high!

  2. And the rent IS too damn high, JCF!

  3. Look, who's going to join me in an armed takedown of the United States of Stupid. I don't even care about replacing the government anymore - sometimes you just need a scouring of the land by violence; the whole Attila as "Scourge of God" thing.

  4. Mark, I will not join you in an armed takedown. I don't know if you're serious or not in your comment, but you already know that I am consistent in my commitment to non-violent protest.


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