Saturday, October 23, 2010


If any of you in the Episcopal Church are confused about the societies popping up here and there and everywhere in the mother church, the Church of England (although some might say that the mother church is the Scottish Episcopal Church), read Church Mouse.

Rowan tells us that the Anglican Communion is doing just fine. Yet Mouse is somewhat concerned.

And aren't we all!

Of the many societies and alphabet soup of groups, Church Mouse says:

What a dreadful mess. Factions within the church are not happy just being factions, they intend to build bigger walls around themselves so they are not contaminated by others from within their own church. And they have the nerve to say this is being done in the interest of mission. Please try explaining all this to someone of Generation Y for whom Christianity is "a distant cultural memory" and then tell me that these groupings help mission.

And might we not apply the words to the alphabet soup mix of groups in the US? The breakaways? Those who stay, but who are ever at the ready to flee, with bags packed and one foot in and one foot out? And all for the sake of mission?

Mouse says further:

Mouse has a word of advice to those looking to establish walls around their factions. Stop. Stop now. Please.

Ah, but who will heed Mouse's advice?

Thanks to Cathy for the link.


  1. I only periodically read The Church Mouse's blog but I did read this post and thought the tone of it was absolutely hysterical. The exasperation shines through. Absolutely inspired. AND a good message. Thanks for highlighting it.


  2. Hysterical or hysterically funny? Big difference ;-)

  3. Both, I think, actually. Hysterically funny but a bit hysterical, too, what with the beginning statement about the Mouse having spent two days with his head in his hands and being full of despair...

  4. Church Mouse's post seems eminently common-sensical to me. And I believe he's truly saddened by the walls.

  5. Anglican People's Front??! -- Bleep off! We're the People's Front of the Anglicans!

  6. Monty Python has an answer to all of life's most vexing questions.

  7. Yes, Mimi, I'm sure that's true. I was reading Kingsley Amis today and he mentioned being dressed down in the Army for putting his hands in his trouser pockets whilst in uniform. I could hardly believe that was forbidden. Tom said that it's that way in the USA too. Most of the regulations about behavior and dress are just forms of control. And then he talked about Monty Python and how they always carried on about stupid Army Officers and activities, as in Marching up and down the Square. I hadn't made the connection before.


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