Monday, October 11, 2010


With breathless anticipation, the crowd awaits the unveiling of the Bush statue.

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. I see your Hee and raise you another Hee!

    I heard there were very few books for the shelves, as George had already colored all but two.

  2. I think I've seen this one before, but it's still funny!

    [Mimi, as someone who cheered your Saints in the Super Bowl . . . could ya spare a cheer for my SF Giants? Onto Philly, and the NLCS! O Happy Day! :-D]

  3. I've already visited the site of the GWB library at SMU. It will be huge, judging from the amount of land that's being cleared for it. For those of you familiar with Dallas geography, everything between Moody Colosseum and Mockingbird Lane has been cleared out. For those of you not familiar with Dallas geography, that's several small SMU campus buildings, a whole residential neighborhood, and a small shopping strip.

    My brother complains about the "damn tree-huggers" protesting it.

  4. Monument to a war criminal. The school of theology protested but SMU should be ashamed.

  5. For JCF: Go Giants!

    "Damn tree huggers". What are they thinking?

    The monstrosity is a disgrace to SMU. I remember that the theology school courageously spoke out against having the library at the university, to no avail. Money speaks louder.

  6. Yes, money talks. This past year, when I received the annual alumni fund phone call from SMU, I declined (for the first time ever since I graduated in 1963) to make a donation, and explained exactly why. The caller was not surprised and said she would pass on my concerns to the administration; obviously mine was not the only such reaction she had received. There were many alums, and not only from the school of theology, who actively protested the project, and many current faculty and students as well, across all schools and departments. Unfortunately, some people's money speaks louder than others'.

  7. For you, when your brother is spouting off, {{{Doug}}} [Bet you're counting the minutes, then, till your flight to NYC takes off, eh? ;-/]


    Thanks, Mimi! My 48 years---my 48 years (close!) as a Giants fan: year, after year, after year, after YEAR of futility!!! }:-0 (Getting to the Series in '89 and '02, only to have my hopes crushed again)

    But maybe, just MAYBE things will be different? That we go from "Wait Till Next Year" to "Next Year is HERE!!!"?

    The odds don't favor us, fer shur (The Big Bad Phillies).

    But as a Giants fan . . . what else CAN I have, but faith?! O_o


  8. Mary Clara, so you're an alum. You did good, m'dear.

  9. Thank God for beer and enchiladas or else the visits to Texas sometimes would be excruciating.

    My Dad was an SMU alum, and I grew up right next to the campus (Fondren street, and then later Purdue street).

  10. Counterlight, I join with you in your thanksgiving for beer and enchiladas during your visits to your kinfolk in Texas.

  11. Pigeons are more intelligent than George Bush. You think I'm joking but I'm not.


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