Saturday, October 23, 2010


The Anglican Covenant as a turkey (a bad play)

With proper foresight, the producers would realize that the play should never get as far as rehearsals, much less ever be staged.

H/T to Bishop Alan, who inspired the image.


  1. Perhaps the turkey should be the symbol of the proposed Covenant, a big dumb bird that won't fly.

    I had an uncle years ago who raised turkeys and told all kinds of stories about how dumb they are.

  2. Being an American who cooks a traditional meal, all I could see is a family meal with this bird as the main dish. I don't use a fork to see if its done, but I understand others do.

  3. ...the proposed Covenant, a big dumb bird that won't fly

    Counterlight, exactly.

    Point of Order, ouch! You have a point.

  4. My feeling is that you would not try to breathe life into a stuffed, roasted turkey.

    Perhaps the same can be said of the Covenant.

  5. It depends upon what you mean by turkey. :-)

    Take it away, folks!

  6. Actually, wild turkeys can and do fly. (Chickens, too; in pioneer days, chickens roosted in trees at night.) Wild turkeys are smart at some turkey things, but things that hang around with human beings lose some IQ points. Animals that work humans (dogs, cats) can be very intelligent; humans prefer that animals that they work (sheep, cows) not be too ingenious.

    Scopes has a a fascinating article about turkeys as objects of urban legend.

  7. "the proposed Covenant, a big dumb bird that won't fly"?

    Domesticated, commercial turkeys can hardly *walk* because they have been bred to have huge bosoms/breasts.

    Perhaps the covenant is thusly burdened, and for the same reason?

    What we call 'free range' raised turkeys are much better at the walking part, but judging from the contents of the covenant, I don't think it can be considered 'free range.'

  8. The Covenant will confine the turkeys who sign on to a very small pen.

  9. In addition, commercial "factory" turkeys cannot breed naturally. All have to be AI. ;>=
    (I have free-range heritage turkeys.)

  10. In addition, commercial "factory" turkeys cannot breed naturally.

    Because the powers won't let them get together?

    I'd like to see a picture of your free-range heritage turkeys, Amy.

  11. "Powers" meaning their huge, grossly deformed bodies with legs that cannot support their own weight and hearts that don't have the capacity and cannot function normally? It becomes a more apt comparison as we go!
    Mine look a lot like this picture...Narraganset/bronze crosses.


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