Thursday, October 28, 2010


From Courage Campaign:

Demand that NBC Universal take action to end its affiliation with KETK now
KETK-NBC news anchors ask: “Will the acceptance of homosexuality in this society be the downfall of America?”

Yes, that was a question actually posed to viewers by a Texas-based NBC affiliate TV station, both on the air and online. But it didn’t end there. The station then went on to broadcast responses from viewers -- some of the most vitriolic attacks on LGBT people that you will ever ear on a network affiliate.

The video is shocking. But the lack of response from NBC Universal -- KETK's parent network -- is even more shocking. That's why we need you to watch the video now and then sign our petition to NBC Universal executives Jeff Zucker and Steve Burke asking them to end NBC's affiliate relationship with KETK immediately:

We are shocked by the segment aired on KETK-NBC in Texas in which the anchors asked viewers if the acceptance of gays would lead to the "downfall of America." As President of NBC Universal, we demand that you take action now to end your affiliate relationship with KETK immediately.

Please add your name now to this urgent petition to NBC Universal executives Jeff Zucker and Steve Burke:

I should post the video, but it's ugly, and I couldn't bring myself to do so. Please go to Courage Campaign and watch over there and sign the petition.


  1. I think they pulled the ad according to GLAAD

  2. Ann, the video is not an ad. It shows a segment of their news show. I don't think the station has done enough, yet. I suggest that readers sign the petition and keep the pressure on NBC and KETK

  3. NBC's failure to do something about these "news" anchors spouting their homophobia is unspeakably poor.

  4. The video was pulled by action of the station. I think they've apologized---but we need to keep an eye on 'em.

  5. JCF, the station pulled the video, but, as of tonight, the video may still be seen at Courage Campaign in all its ugliness.


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