Sunday, October 31, 2010


...until Jon Stewart told them.

From Politicususa:

Jon Stewart managed to do something with his Rally to Restore Sanity that hasn’t been done in a long time. He confused the mainstream media to the point of a near collective nervous breakdown. The media couldn’t figure out what this rally was about, and it was only when Stewart explained it to them that they realized that it was about them.

From NPR:

It wasn't until the very end of the so-called Rally to Restore Sanity that Stewart got a little serious.

"Now, I thought we might have a moment, however brief, for some sincerity," he told the crowd. "I know there are boundaries for a comedian pundit talker guy — and I'm sure I'll find out tomorrow how I have violated them."

Stewart went on to lay the blame for all the bickering, hostility and hyperbole in politics these days on the media — in part, at least.

"The press can hold its magnifying glass up to our problems, bringing them into focus, illuminating issues heretofore unseen," he said. "Or they can use that magnifying glass to light ants on fire. And then, perhaps host a week of shows on the sudden, unexpected, dangerous ant-fire epidemic."

Don't you love it? I won't soon forget the flaming ant metaphor.

H/T to Rmj at Adventus.


  1. I am now tuned t o Fox News and I am waiting for the film on the ants on fire!l

  2. So will the news people understand? Probably not since no one sees themselves in the words usually.

    Oh, and I loved his (Jon Stewart's) speech! Why can't we get a politician like him?

  3. Fred, have you seen the flaming ants yet? Keep us informed.

    Ciss, perhaps it's enough that Stewart is our main source of reliable news.

  4. Mimi -- I saw tehm but the newscaster ate the evidence!

  5. It seemed to me just by watching this snippet from CNN that you put here that they had no way to make it into anything. They were going to have someone else interviewing folks in the crowd and then draw conclusions.?. I didn't see any news coverage of it the rally because I don't have cable but watched it on Comedy Central's link. I'm sure it would be difficult to find any ants on fire there. I think I did hear something about public transportation being totally swamped, but there were no reports of armed people threatening to shoot anyone, so pretty much people were sane and patient. What a disappointment to the media, I am sure.

    In other news, the Giants are one game closer to winning the Series.

  6. Love the "fire ants" thing. There's a building close by here that has "Fine Arts Center" emblazoned across its awning. I've been dying for months to transpose the "n" in the first word and the "r" in the second.

  7. I love John Stewart's show and watch it as often as I can. He is a comedian, and constantly acknowledges that, but he has very important points to make about the inability of our government leaders to get anything done because of the need to address all out problems as though there must be winners and losers, with no opportunity for honest dialogue. That point was also made at his "Rally to Restore sanity." I am really weary of the toxic atmosphere that exists currently in the election campaign.
    Beryl Simkins

  8. It was so inspiring to watch the Rally and see that there ARE some sane people in our country - that people DO work together regardless of political persuasion (we saw that in Lander during our flood). Huffington Post has lots of clips from the rally - watch the Colbert and Muslims bit or the robots part. Also Jon Stewart's speech at the end is on youtube

  9. It was amazing. We were embedded in the midst of it. The media definitely, DEFINITELY doesn't get it. If there was any bogeyman there, it was Fox News. But it wasn't personal. I will blog shortly (must go pick up the cat from the kennel first--and get some work done!)

  10. ...the Giants are one game closer to winning the Series.

    Susan, congrats to you and JCF!

    I am really weary of the toxic atmosphere that exists currently in the election campaign.

    Beryl, me too. And the media!

    Ann, the sane people don't make the headlines and the news, more's the pity. It IS good to know that we have sane people in the country.

    IT, I await your eye-witness report.

  11. AND . . . we did it! San Francisco Giants 2010 World Champs!

  12. Congratulations to all you Giants fans!!! :-) Well done the Giants.


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