Wednesday, November 24, 2010


...which certain supporters of the document claim are harmless and toothless, but which the Archbishop of Canterbury says we must have or the results for the Anglican Communion will be too horrible to contemplate, Jake, at Father Jake Stops the World, has a few words to say. As is so often the case, Jake gets to the heart of the matter. First off, he puts the relational consequences in the Daft Covenant in the form of a list. To see the 16 consequences in list format brings them into focus in a way is missed when the consequences are spread about in paragraphs. Jake calls our attention to no. 12 in the list, which reads:

• removal from the ACC Schedule of Membership

Fr Jake says:

I would suggest to those who are stridently claiming that this document is not "punitive" to carefully consider the above list of "consequences." Specifically, note that twelfth one: "removal from the ACC Schedule of Membership." Thats not getting grounded or sent to your room. That's getting kicked out of the house.

Harmless, toothless? Not punitive? I think not. Read Jake's entire post.


  1. I did read his very clear description and agree with the conclusions. The covenant is punitive.

  2. Amelia, it's sobering, indeed, to see the "relational consequences" in a list. I keep coming back to the old cliché WWJD.


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