Monday, November 8, 2010


The Right Rev Wallace Benn, the Bishop of Lewes, compared the ordination of women bishops to the Nazi invasion

From The Telegraph:

The Right Rev Wallace Benn, the Bishop of Lewes, told the Reform conference of conservative Anglicans: “I feel very much increasingly that we’re in January of 1939. We need to be aware that there is real serious warfare just round the corner.”

His analogy angered Jewish groups as it was in that month that Hitler outlined his intent to kill Europe’s Jews.

And Bishop Benn was shocked, because he did not at all mean to suggest an analogy with Hitler.

Bishop Benn later attempted to clarify his remarks and said: “I was thinking in terms of the storm clouds being on the horizon.”

He said he intended his remarks to be Churchillian rather than thinking of Hitler.

Storm clouds, indeed. I expect Bishop Benn's had a little storm cloud over his head ever since he made his remarks.

It's times like this when I wish for the talent to draw a cartoon.


  1. The Bishop of Lewes may be more Churchillian than he intended. Churchill participated in quite a lot of havoc in service to the Empire before he rallied England to resist Hitler. In an interview with Scott Horton, Madhusree Mukerjee, a former editor at Scientific American and the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship, details what Churchill did to India.

  2. Murdoch, I know Churchill was no angel. Bp. Benn's rhetoric may not be sufficiently Churchillian to lead the troops to victory in the coming "serious warfare".

  3. I wonder if Bishop Benn watches Glenn Beck.

  4. Counterlight, how are you with cartoons? Will you be my cartoonist-in-residence?

  5. Alas, not that great. Besides, I just don't have much time these days. I spend most of my weekends grading, making powerpoints, and writing lecture notes.

    I'd love to be able to announce to the world that I'm the next Daumier or Oliphant, but caricature is not where by best talents lie.

  6. Well, you can't blame me for trying, m'dear.

  7. The bishop is a cartoon in his person. Nothing more is needed.


  8. Jim, I wish the bishop was wearing his mitre. I probably could have found such a picture, but I used the photo from the article.

  9. Mimi, perhaps a picture of Joe-Btfsplk would do as a stand in for Bp. Benn?

  10. Goodness, Susan, yes! Now if only I could PhotoShop the vestments onto Joe. I am soooo lacking in talent.

  11. Mimi - You? With photoshop abilities? My head spins with the possibilities for hilarity.

  12. Churchill drank a great deal, as I understand.

    Maybe the Bishop . . . ?


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