Friday, November 12, 2010


Watch the slide show at WDSU.

Historic Church Destroyed In Morning Fire - Photos - WDSU New Orleans
Almighty God, we give thanks for the gift to the parishioners of St. Matthew's of many years of fellowship and worship in their beautiful church building. We ask you to give your people comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding as they grieve the loss of their building. May the people of St. Matthew's remain bound together in love and obedience to you, ever mindful that a church is the gathering of its people to give you praise, honor, and glory. Give them strength and courage to continue in worship and fellowship, as they move forward to rebuild their building. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


  1. There is something so poignant in the ruins of a church... old or new. But it reminds me of the hope of resurrection, still.

  2. Yes, the hope of resurrection, still.

  3. Do they know how it started?

    [Y'know how my parish in Michigan burned down? I hold myself a tiny bit . . . well, not responsible, but involved. It was the Easter Season. The Pascal Candle had been lit for a Tuesday Eucharist . . . and then, not extinguished. Normally, I was the only attendant at a Wednesday afternoon Eucharist . . . but I happened to be in California that Wednesday (seeing my dying mother over Mother's Day 2007). Hence, I wasn't in Michigan for Wednesday mass, and it was cancelled.

    The fire was discovered, w/ smoke pouring out of the sanctuary in the wee hours of Thursday morning. The Pascal Candle burned all the way down, and then fell over, igniting the carpet. Just one of those things.

    ...but, we were able (barely! That's another story.) to rebuild, and to God be the glory!]

  4. JCF, so far as I've heard, the cause of the fire has not yet been determined.


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