Thursday, November 18, 2010



This is just typical of my life.

Having gone through a course of antibiotics a few weeks back to get rid of a tooth abscess, I was persuaded by my dentist to have root canal work on the offending premolar to stop the abscess returning. This morning, after a fitful sleep, I woke up to find my jaw had swollen up (not quite like a melon but certainly resembling an average size satsuma). So, off I went to the dentist to discover that the surgery to stop me getting another abscess had given me, yes, you guessed it, an abscess.

This has been why I have been in such agony since Monday. Unfortunately, because my dentist had warned me that I might get some toothache for two or three days, it hadn't crossed my mind that it could be anything other than post surgery pain.

Anyway, it's back on the horse tablets for another week. I hope they take effect soon as, at the moment, I look like a lopsided hamster.

Lately, the poor heart has had trouble upon trouble. I wrote in the comments:

If I could draw, I'd make a cartoon of a lopsided hamster, dressed in clericals, with a black rain cloud over his head, if I could draw....

Of course, perpetual prayers for your troubles without end.

Well, I can't draw, but I drew a lopsided hamster anyway.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Jonathan the help of your power, that his sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  1. prayers for MP and Mrs. MP who I am sure is suffering as well

  2. That's not too bad, Grandmere. And indeed, prayers ascending for MP.

  3. Do hamster clergy wear shoes? I was stumped about that, so I left them off, following the example of Beatrix Potter and her rabbits.

  4. I love your drawing, Mimi. I think it's fabulous.

    Even if hamster clergy wore shoes, Mad Priest would have taken his off, since he is at home feeling down in the dumps.

  5. Cathy, thank you. The hamster drawing resulting from my labors reminded me of the sheep that the pilot drew in The Little Prince when asked by the boy, "S'il vous plaît...dessine-moi un mouton!" Of course, no one asked me to draw the hamster. It was entirely my idea, and I flatter myself to think that my drawing is on a par with the sheep.

  6. An artist is born!

    Prayers for Jonathan and the Mrs.

  7. SCG and Elizabeth, I can't draw, but I confess that the little critter came out far better than I expected. Dare I say it? I'm a little proud. I know the drawing is pitiful, but, for me, it's one of my best efforts.


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