Saturday, November 27, 2010


If the Archbishop of Canterbury wants the members of the Anglican Communion to act like adults, instead of teenagers (I'll do what I want!) or children (I'll take my marbles and go home!), shouldn't he be loosening the reins instead of tightening them?


  1. yes, but only if we are the same age. . .

    VW = ingst
    Noun - 2nd person singular of angst

    I have angst, I had angst, I will have angst, etc.
    you have ingst, you had ingst, you will have angst, etc.
    We have ungst, we had ungst, we will have ungst, etc.

    It may not be right, but it struck me that way!

  2. Susan, I refer to adults only and of several different generations. As to emotional development....

    Your conjugation inspired by your WV is inspired and demonstrates mature emotional development. :-)

  3. Have I missed something? Is that what the Archbishop of Canterbury actually wants? ...

  4. Cathy, the ABC's the Daft Covenant would tighten the reins.

  5. No, I don't meant that, I mean, does the Archbishop of Canterbury really want the members of the Anglican Communion to act like adults? ...

  6. Oh. Perhaps not, Cathy. The ABC wants to be the Anglican Il Papa. But he can't be pleased that the people the covenant was meant to placate have flounced off in a huff.

  7. No, he can't be pleased. But he can't be surprised, either. In a sense he's said "now behave nicely children and if you don't I'll give you a smack and make you sit on the naughty step" and Gafcon have responded by lying down on the floor, going blue in the face and screaming. There's a consistency to it.

  8. But, Cathy, if he knew what was going to happen, why didn't he change his method? Or perhaps in a Machiavellian way, he wanted the GAFCONites out?

  9. Maybe he did. Or maybe he's not strong on working out how to change methods and thought he had steered an effective middle course, only to discover that au contraire, everyone hated it.

  10. The workings of the mind of the ABC are very much a mystery to me.

  11. Me too. Like the peace of God they pass all understanding. Andrew Brown was ruminating on this in an article for the Guardian the other day.

  12. Cathy, he's like the passage from Isaiah:

    "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways....

  13. Mimi, quit being reasonable and go to your room!


  14. JCF, I forgot. Lambeth is a reason-free zone.


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