Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Images set to Loreena McKennitt's music and vocals "The Dark Night of the Soul", inspired by the Words of St. John of the Cross.

Upon a darkened night
the flame of love was burning in my breast
And by a lantern bright
I fled my house while all in quiet rest

Shrouded by the night
And by the secret stair I quickly fled
The veil concealed my eyes
while all within lay quiet as the dead

The complete lyrics may be found at Loreena MeKennitt's website.

Thanks to Ann with a H/T to Jesus in Love Blog.


  1. Thank you for this ... Mimi!
    Loreena McKennitt's haunting voice, lush lyrics and particularly her exploration of Celtic themes have been nourishing to me for many years. She's a treasure.

  2. John, the images in the video are lovely, too, aren't they? I'm glad you enjoyed.

  3. Thanks for acknowledging the Jesus in Love Blog. This is one of the most beautiful videos I’ve ever seen, so I had to post it there. I love the images of darkness and light that go with the music. It really helped me understand the classic poem more deeply.

    I just noticed that you actually have a label for “Jesus in Love Blog” here at Wounded Bird. Way cool!

  4. KittKatt, I always try to give credit where credit is due. Y'all do great work.

    Actually, I was under the impression that I had listed your site in my blog roll some time ago, but - alas! - I had not. I added the link just a few days ago. Sorry. Better late than never.


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