Friday, December 17, 2010


UPDATE: From Ormonde:

I have been seriously ill the last month and a half, first with gall bladder (resulting in a long stay at Ochsner Hospital and eventually surgery), then with bladder failure. While at Ochsner I had atrial fibrillation and was shocked out of it (none of which I can remember), and now I am catheterizing myself several times a day to empty the bladder. What a mess is old age!

And who's the patron saint of bladders? I need to appeal to the guy.

The closest I can come is this list of patron saints for kidney disease:
Benedict of Nursia
Margaret of Antioch
Ursus of Aosta
Ursus of Ravenna

From Margaret:

Okay --off to the hospital to visit Joel. I went last night before I came home, and he was having trouble breathing. Poor guy --he hasn't been in a bed since Monday --because when he lays down, he can't breathe at all. They have him on oxygen and all that stuff.

And, hey everbuddy! --HE'S HOME!!!! They sent him home with me despite the snow --or maybe because of it!!! He's home!!!!

From Counterlight:

Ma Latest

Talked to Ma very very briefly over the phone today. She recognized me and asked how I was. I said, "fine and how are you!" She replied, "feeling strange," and then said something about the nurse coming in and hung up. I talked to my brother who said that now the doctors are not sure she even had a stroke. They now think the dizziness may have been caused by a drop in her blood pressure, which apparently is still low. They think the memory loss and disorientation may be more from the head injury. They don't know if she'll ever completely recover her short term memory and former mental function, but they do expect that she will recover about 90% of it. She is still in the hospital trying to build her strength back up for rehabilitation.
Very confusing.

I made it into work today. I gave a final exam and graded it in my nice warm office. I hope our apartment is nice a cozy again when I go home presently.

Please continue to pray for Counterlight, who has himself been ill.

From David@Montreal:

Just a quick note to let you know that dear Rosemary entered eternal life last evening.

As tiny as she was physically, dear Rosemary was a giant in her passionate determination to beat her cancer so as to see her two sons make it to adulthood.
I ask your prayers for Rosemary husband David, their two sons, Rosemary's mother, two brothers and her sister.

I would also ask your prayers for my baby sister Jenny, who for close to two years was Rosemary's chief ally in keeping things as normal as possible and getting her to treatments and appointments.

The last time I saw Rosemary we spoke of the prayers which were accompanying her, and she asked about each of you- it was important to know each of you by name,

Jacques continues to be palliative, though there has been some slight rallying, just in time for my niece Marion and her daughter to make it back from the Gaspe

and I'd ask your prayers this evening for a young girl of only six years old, flown down south after being gravely attacked by four sled dog in her settlement- the dear child is litterally fighting for her life

Frank & Carol send their thanks and love- and he wants you all to know he is very much aware of the role you all played with your love and the support of your prayers in the fact that he will be here again this Chirstmas

Thank-you my cherished giants

love always-always Love



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