Sunday, December 5, 2010



The estimated 40 billboards were put up by Family Radio, a national Christian radio group.

A spokesperson for the radio station said they are very confident that their prediction is right.

"This date was developed from only Bible scriptures from the King James Bible and a lot of it are parts that people tend to overlook," Allison Warden told News 2.

From the website of Family Radio who sponsor the billboards:

This web site serves as an introduction and portal to four faithful ministries which are teaching that WE CAN KNOW from the Bible alone that the date of the rapture of believers will take place on May 21, 2011 and that God will destroy this world on October 21, 2011.

What about the children? Do these groups truly frighten their children this way. And that's not to speak of other people's children! And gullible adults!

Well, my readers, you can't say I didn't warn you - you know - just in case....

PS: Be careful when you drive on May 21, 2011. Perhaps those who are confident that they will be raptured will be thoughtful enough of the rest of us to stay off the roads. I hope so.

Thanks to Ann V. for directing me to the story.

UPDATE: Go to Ship of Fools. Jesus is furious about the leak. Read it all. There will be consequences.

Thanks to Ann for the link.


  1. So, the parables of always be watching and always be alert for "one knows not the hour or the day" we just ignore? and, If that is the true, then I got a couple of commandments I would like to do the same.


  2. Fred, don't blame me if you decide to break a couple of the commandments. Your sins will be on your head, not mine.

  3. Ship of Fools says it is a wiki leak and Jesus is furious!!

  4. Can't wait. Maybe we'll have religious peace when those folks are gone.

  5. Grandmere, thanks for sending me to Ship of Fools. All my plans for housecleaning and closet straightening went right out the window after I spent an hour there. I found the perfect Christmas gift for a Calvinist friend. Calvin chocolates, reformed in Switzerland. A little dry and hard to swallow, but he's predestined to like them.

  6. I'd go for the Nativity Rubber Ducks, myself. "Perfect for Baptist churches."

  7. Peace, Piskie!

    Lapin, I like my car, but I might want some of their other stuff. Of course, I could sell the car and give the money to the poor.

    Bex, thank Ann. Ship of Fools is a great website.

    Calvin chocolates, reformed in Switzerland. A little dry and hard to swallow, but he's predestined to like them.

    What a find!

  8. I'll be grading papers that day, so I'll probably miss it.

  9. Blithering idiots.

    Well, the Good News: since "Family Radio" is doubtlessly run by a group of 'phobes, I hope this discredits their entire in-lockstep-with-the-Father-of-Lies enterprise...

  10. But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. (Mark 13:32)

    Clever chappies, they know more than the Son of God.

  11. Counterlight, I can't believe you will miss all the excitement with your nose buried in student papers.

    JCF, it will be interesting to see what FR says if the rapture don't happen.

    Paul, Jesus ain't happy.

  12. Reminds me of a colleague of mine who predicted the end of the world on a date in the 90s. Went up to Idaho or Montana (can't remember) with a group in anticipation. Had to return to work when it didn't happen.

  13. It's hard for me to understand how people buy into this nonsense. The predictors have been proved wrong so many times. Why would anyone believe the next one will be right?

  14. My sister's birthday falls early in May. Am I still obligated to purchase a gift? It's not like she could take it with her.

  15. KJ, what do you think I'm running here? An advice column?

    Nevertheless, since you're here, I advise you not to bother with the birthday gift. If the rapture doesn't happen you will have some 'splainin' to do. Or your sister will. Or somebody will.

  16. What about the children? Do these groups truly frighten their children this way. And that's not to speak of other people's children! And gullible adults!


    They do.

    Are you asking ironically, or for real?

    Knowledge is power. If you have no knowledge, use terror. This is why I keep saying that fundies are terrorists.

    OTOH, the earth would likely become a Paradise if the likes of these Christians were "raptured" away - preferably into some Divine equivalent of a padded cell with Heavenly thorazine administered regularly.

  17. Mark, my questions are serious, but rhetorical, because I know they do frighten their children and likely other children and probably gullible adults, too. And it's shameful. But I suppose they believe in what they're doing.

  18. And that's why I hover close to despair at most times: they believe in what they're doing.

    wv: "resse" - as in the "Joot of Resse's vine"

  19. Mark, I pray for you and for me to move from despair to hope in the season of Advent as we await the celebration of the coming of the Word made flesh.


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