Tuesday, December 21, 2010


...is up!

Yesterday, I carried the tree down from the upstairs closet, uncovered it, set it on the table covered with my pretty red damask tablecloth, and - voila! I bought the tablecloth at 75% off, price $5.99, at an after-Christmas sale several years ago.

The tree is an upscale version of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, sparse on limbs and needles, but with the decorations, the sparseness doesn't stand out. My grandchildren laugh at my tree every year, but I love it. After Christmas is over, I put the cover back on the tree and carry it up to the closet until next year.


  1. Next time the grandkids laugh, show them Queen Victoria's Christmas tree.


    I founded a picher! I am good for something!

  2. Mark, I will show my grandchildren the picher. Take that, kids!

  3. Queen Victoria's tree? Wow, doesn't that make it The Original Chrstmas Tree in the English-speaking world?

    Courtesy of Her Majesty's beloved consort, the German Prince Albert. Or so I've read in that excellent old source, Someplace.

  4. I love your tree Mimi!!! Less is more, your grandkids will figure that out one day, as we all do!!!

    Have a great Christmas!

  5. Porlock, once the drawing of the royal family gathered around the Christmas tree appeared in the Illustrated London News in the mid-19th century, the German custom became popular in England.

    Fran, thank you.

    MadPriest, in case you hadn't noticed, I am a woman. Weeing up is not an option for me.

  6. I love your wee tree, Mimi. It has charm in abundance. As do you.

  7. Paul, I can always count on you for my gallantry fix. Thank you, luv.

  8. ... I did try to think of a line involving your wee tree, the Wee Free, wi-fi and hi-fi, but have not as yet succeeded.

  9. Cathy, if you think of something clever, please come back. :-)

  10. Porlock, I think that is the context in which that image occurs. It was a German thing, so limited to the immediate family, hence the rather "cozy" picture, rather than a sort of stately "official tree of the Royal Family" sort of thing.

    Apparently, the original tradition was for a "bough" or small, potted evergreen that could stand on a table. There's a ghost story - "Lucky's Grove" (can't remember the author) - that reflected the rather elegant shudder of distaste that 20th Century Brits felt at the growing popularity of the huge, "showpiece" Christmas tree.

    wv: "fooketr" - "Why, blimey, I barely knowetr!"

  11. Mark, thanks for the additional information. The original sounds somewhat like a Charlie Brown tree.


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