Saturday, January 22, 2011


On January 22, 2007, I wrote my first post here at Wounded Bird as a lark, and I never thought I'd still be blogging away four years later. I never once thought that blogging would turn out to be serious, a ministry, of sorts - at least that's how it seems to me. Although I post jokes, cartoons, and funny stories, I feel a responsibility toward my readers, which I take very seriously. And I feel a responsibility to tell certain stories and promote certain causes, as well as post prayer requests, as they come in.

Without my visitors (I can count you) and my readers who leave comments, I would not have continued for so long a time. In great part, I have been blessed with wonderful feedback in the comments, with only a few brief periods of being plagued with offensive or trollish comments. Without the folks I call my stringers, the people who send me links, stories, cartoons, and jokes, Wounded Bird would be much the poorer.

Imagine my surprise when I visited The Lead on December 28 and saw this in their "2010: Top Ten Stories" post:
Our top blogs to quote: Wounded Bird and Thinking Anglicans

Moi! As I said in the comments:
Episcopal Café had a great year. Thanks to all of you for your hard work. My posts would be fewer, if not for the stories for which I owe a tip of the hat to you folks at EC.

I am honored and humbled by having my blog quoted. Truly! I don't deserve the distinction, etc., etc., etc., but I thank all you good people from my heart.

Th folks at the Café have been good to me. I wasn't going to link to the post at the EC, because it seemed prideful and self-serving, which it is, but consider the mention an anniversary indulgence.

This post is No. 4713, which averages to more than 1000 posts per year. Amazing!

PS: I fixed the link above to my original post at Wounded Bird.


  1. Love ya, Mimi---Congrats!

    [And on this day when we lost Keith Olbermann's voice: I DON'T want to lose you, 'kay? {Mimi!}]

  2. Congratulations!

    See, I told you that you would be good at it.

  3. Woah! Well done Mimi, and Congratulations :)

  4. Congratulations from me too :-) My life would be much the poorer without your blog to read every day, Mimi.

  5. Congratulations Mimi! 4 years is a long time on the internet tubes. Here's wishing you 40 more!

    Even though I don't always comment here, I always read.

    As for the kudos from The Lead, I'm not surprised.

  6. Thanks for blogging Mimi -- your blog says what I often think -- thanks for putting your thoughts into words here-- a ministry for sure. The Very Right Grandmère!

    and you made me learn how to do accents in French words!

  7. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Wounded Bird!
    May you continue to blog for many many years, Grandmère Mimi.

  8. Thank you all.

    JCF, since I'm still here, you'll hardly know Olbermann is gone. :-) All joking aside, I will miss him. He was a passionate man, and he didn't hide his passions, which probably helped the powers to decide to show him the door.

    MadPriest, did you tell me I'd be good? Well, thank you. I'd forgotten. You, the owner of the blog with 2,000,000 visits, promoted my wee blog from the beginning, so thanks for that, too.

    Cathy, but for MadPriest's blog, we'd never have met and become sister-survivors of MadChauffeur's constant companionship and driving skills for all those days. A lifelong bond was created through THAT experience!

  9. Lesley, you're well on your way to becoming a blogging force in Merrie Olde England. MadPriest, watch your back.

    Counterlight, yours is a most excellent blog, not nearly as appreciated as it should be. I've received an education in art and history from you.

    Ann, knowing how to do French accents is part of the cultural heritage where I live, and it always surprises me when other parts of the country are different.

    You helped my blog along, too, with a good many tips, links, and jokes, and I'm grateful. So many in the blog world have aided and supported me along the way. Mine is not a one-woman operation, by any means.

    Padre Mickey! You made me laugh, and you introduced me to your beautiful congregation at San Cristobal.

  10. You are a blessing among us Grandmere. Happy blogaversary!

  11. margaret, you uppity woman, you are a blessing, too. I just now posted and linked to your good news from the Council of your Diocese of Virginia - on pigs flying and all.

  12. Are some comments more of a blessing than others? (heh heh heh)

    Congratulations on blog success!

  13. Are some comments more of a blessing than others?

    KJ! Whenever I see your initials pop up, I'm in a great hurry to read your comment to see which of your personalities emerge, the nice-boy KJ or the sly, naughty KJ. I see sort of a blend of the two here. Are your personalities finally coming together, my dear? (heh heh heh)

  14. Darling, if I remember correctly (which, of course, I do) I had to push you into blogging because you were initially so hesitant. I believe I told you that you would be a shining example to the elderly and you certainly have been even if I am not sure that is was the sort of example I originally envisaged.

    You will be always remembered as a pioneer. But that's mainly because you drive a horse drawn wagon and you chew tobacco :-)

  15. But, dear MadPriest, can I trust what you say? You've said more than once that you have a very bad memory. I'm at sixes and sevens about what to think.

  16. Happy blogiversary, Mimi! A day without Wounded Bird is a day without sunshine.

    Love you!

  17. Paul, you dear sweet man! Shall I change my nom de blog to "Little Ms Sunshine"? No, the "Little" doesn't work. Just "Ms Sunshine"? No. I have overcast days. I'd best leave it as is, but thanks for the sentiment. :-)

  18. Dear Mimi, You are one of the true joys of the blogosphere. I always value you insights on a wide variety of issues, from those facing our church to what is happening politically and environmentally down in the Gulf region. I hope you keep on keeping on for ever and a day.

  19. Mimi, we couldn't make it without your blog to shed rays of sunshine on this planet ... even on the darkest of days. I still rejoice in the wonderful stories of you, Cathy and the Mad One on your fantastic adventure. And, of course, all of your other postings as well. You make us feel as if we are "family,"

  20. Congratulations, Mimi! I thank you for your varied posts on all sorts of interesting things which are part of my daily read, for introducing me to Jesus and Mo, for your great photos from Scotland, your love of Jane Austen and for linking to my blog. You have a great community here, which is a blessing and speaks to your taking your responsibility as a blogger seriously. Most of all, I'm glad that you have found this to be enriching and fun for yourself at least most of the time.


  21. BooCat, whiteycat, Penny, thank you for all the kind words. I expect I'd have a big hole in my life now if I suddenly stopped blogging.

    Parts of the great world out there have become much more familiar since I began reading blogs and then blogging myself. I read blogs for years before I rustled up the courage to leave a comment.

    Penny, you remind me that I have a link to a good Jesus and Mo cartoon.

  22. Merci mille fois, mille fois merci for your blog.

  23. Tobias and Bex, thank YOU. You're both too kind.

    Tobias, you're an inspiration, luv.

  24. I can still remember a certain commenter at Father Jake's and other places who always intrigued me with her insights and intelligence. I'm not a bit surprised that she turned into a terrific blogger.

    Happy Blogiversary, Mimi! Long may you write.....


  25. I remember feisty Doxy, too, and Doxy hasn't lost her feist. Thanks, dear Doxy.


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