Tuesday, January 11, 2011


From Sarah Hey at Stand Firm.

Click on the images for the larger view.

Posted without a link or commentary, except to say that I have no verification that the list is accurate.


  1. Hypocrites and Fascists . . .

    It appears to me she's the go-to girl when ranting and railing must be done.

  2. susan s., Sarah stamped her foot and threw me out after perhaps 4 comments, none of which were rude but only expressed disagreement in a rather mild manner. In my final comment, I quoted the Gospel. I thank Sarah, for, in the end, she did me a favor.

  3. Inclusion does not mean putting up with sexist, homophobic behavior.

  4. Indeed, Ann.

    Sarah misspelled Dan Martins' name. I'm just saying. :-)

  5. Fascists... wow. I thought it was more like fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me....

    Well --it maybe explains my word verification thingy: pinkl --which is probably more like it.

  6. There's a whole lot of projection goin' on over them parts. If a hypocrite is somebody who disses others for what they do themselves, I think there's a large pot or kettle on the boil in the Stand Foim kitchen. And as to Fascist, are there no mirrors in the place? Here they go calling for mobilizing the conservative thought police to fight the "fascists"! Boing!

  7. My good friend Ms Cathy, the editor, informed me discreetly by email that in my headline, I'd misspelled "fascists", and indeed I had. That's what I get for mocking Sarah's spelling of Dan Martins' name. Sometimes judgment comes this side of the afterlife.

  8. The telling name on that list, is San Joaquin. THEY did not reject (+)Martins for his "theology".

    [FWIW, I pray (+)Martins will be a good (TEC!) bishop.]

  9. [FWIW, I pray (+)Martins will be a good (TEC!) bishop.]

    JCF, that's what we all should be doing now - praying for the bishop-elect and the diocese.

  10. The [real] Diocese of San Joaquin produced some material which they believed raised legitimate questions about Fr. Martins's loyalty to the Episcopal Church. They published it openly and transparently.

    Fr. Martins wrote a thoughtful reply and apologia which was sufficient to persuade a majority of bishops and a majority of standing committees. Doubtless this was helped by the open letter sent by several prominent progressives defending Fr. Dan's personal integrity.

    The very fact that Dan Martins was confirmed by a majoriity of bishops and a majority of standing committees puts the lie to Sarah Hey's angry rant. She's just grasping at straws for something to be angry about.

  11. I wonder sometimes if Sarah's displays of temper are genuine or contrived for the purpose of making herself look tough. Can she really be in a bad mood as much of the time as it appears from her rants?

  12. Can she really be in a bad mood as much of the time as it appears from her rants?

    I know nothing of Ms. Hey, and I avoid that website, but from what I have seen, I'm pretty sure that the anger is real. I know people - both men and women - here at Morningside who exhibit similar traits. I connect it with the Spiral of Conflict, of which Canon Robertson has written.


  13. Allen, thanks for weighing in. Being angry that much of the time can't be good for one's health.

  14. Well, I can check to see if Maine is actually on the list and let you know. If we in Maine did decline to consent it was probably more due to concerns about fidelity than the "Theology" that Sarah seems to think is not something to be considered for Episcopal candidates?

  15. I could check about Louisiana, but it really doesn't matter to me. Dan Martins received consents. Actually, I'd be rather surprised if the majority of the members of the SC in Louisiana voted to withhold consent.


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