Monday, February 28, 2011


Of course I'm not happy, she said to me,
but I've got a degree in psychology so at
least I can explain why.

From StoryPeople.


  1. Definitely! But does it all have to be explained?

  2. susan, although I am not formally trained in psychology, I like to think that I have good psychological instincts, but, although I could often work out the deep and hidden cause of my distress, knowing the cause seemed to help not at all to relieve my unhappiness.

    I did make a perfect grade on the final exam of the one psychology course that I took. I'm just saying.

  3. My point exactly, Mimi!

    I have a friend that is a therapist who has been in therapy nearly all of her adult life. I'm sure she knows all the answers and still she is the most miserable person I've ever met.

    I have come to realize that what happiness is changes over time. And I can't be bothered to chase what I thought was happiness when I was young. I know I sound like an "old person" when I say this, but it's a joy just to wake up pain free some days! ;-)

  4. susan, the one period in my life when I took advantage of therapy, when my mother was old and sick, and I was stressed to the breaking point, the therapist's method was to get down to business to help me over and through the particular crisis, and then we were done. Not that I was "fixed" or anything, but I was able to function in a less stressed manner. I appreciated his practical approach, and he helped me more than I can say.

    I rarely, if ever, think, "Am I happy?"

    it's a joy just to wake up pain free some days!



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