Wednesday, March 30, 2011


See The Satirical Christian on the "Ecclesiastical Dominos" method of getting sufficient votes in Church of England to adopt the Anglican Covenant:
Take the Anglican Covenant, for instance. It is clear that many people in the Church of England are deeply suspicious of it. In the debate in General Synod last November many voices raised deep misgivings about it, even among the House of Bishops. In fact, enough people were sufficiently concerned to mean that if the vote was taken purely on what people thought, it would probably have been chucked out there and then.

Nooo! I don't want to take the daft covenant, and in many cases the people in the Church of England, from bishops, through clergy, to the laity don't want to take the covenant. But read the Satirical Christian's view of how the Archbishop of Canterbury and his allies in favor of the adoption of the covenant will get it done by playing ecclesiastical dominoes.

Photo from Wikipedia.

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