Wednesday, March 30, 2011


A tweet from the meeting of the House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church now taking place in at the Kanuga Conference Center in North Carolina about a comment by the Rt Revd Paul Kim, Archbishop of Korea, who is a guest at the meeting.
The Covenant is "colonialist" document. It does not free the Asia church but keeps it controlled by English church.

From Ann Fontaine at The Lead.

The tweet was captured before tweeting at the meeting was stopped due to concerns about confidentiality.


  1. re: tweeting -- I think they flunked their first 21st century text!!

  2. I have great concerns about confidentiality, as well - why is there confidentiality in a meeting which influences our common life?

  3. Great reaction by the Rt Rev gentleman. We who have struggled against imperial oppression need to stick together.

  4. Ann, LOL. Too true.

    Mark, I'm for transparency whenever possible, and I don't see why the discussion of the covenant cannot be public, unless the bishops don't want to embarrass Rowan.

    Porlock, if I had put the words in the good archbishop's mouth, I could not have said it so well as he.


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