Monday, April 25, 2011


In my post dated a couple of weeks ago titled "And Why Not?", on the bloggers and makers of birettas at Domus Birettarum, Lapin made a request in the comments:
How about a biretta in the exclusive Ratfinger Tartan?

Team DB responded:
Dear Lapinbizarre,

Please see our blog on Tuesday in Holy Week. You may well find what you are looking for, with a little speculation about where it might be worn...

Best wishes,

Team DB

Team DB came through on Tuesday as promised, but I've not had time to link until now. And there it is below, the tartan biretta in all its splendor. I hope Team DB doesn't mind that I copied their picture. Who knows but that a prospective customer for the tartan biretta may land on my blog site? Please read their speculation on where the biretta may be worn.

And if Team DB will indulge me with a copy of one more picture of a biretta which I think is gorgeous....

I simply could not resist stealing the photo of the white biretta with the black pom-pom pictured below. The biretta is rich, with the stark contrast of black on white. See the suggested use for the biretta.

Has the team ever conceived of or created a black biretta with a white tassel?


  1. Where can you get them? Dr. Bob would love one.

  2. "Sir", you can buy the made-to-order birettas at the website. And Team DB is quite reasonable about charges.


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