Thursday, April 14, 2011


From the Guardian:
She probably didn't need to do it, but when one is about to marry a chap who will one day become Defender of the Faith, it is probably just as well to tick all the boxes: Clarence House has announced that Kate Middleton was confirmed last month by the bishop of London into full membership of the Church of England.

Middleton's confirmation at a private service – she had already been christened into the CofE as a child – serves to dot the Is and cross the Ts of her allegiance to an institution in which she will inevitably spend a lot of time in coming years, especially when Prince William eventually becomes its supreme governor.

Alright then. Everything is in order. No chance at all that anyone will harbor doubts that Kate is a closet Roman Catholic, thus making her ineligible to marry an heir to the throne.

Unlike the dead-ender birthers here in the US, including the man with the awful comb over, Donald Trump, who continue to shout loudly that President Obama was not born in the US and is thus ineligible to be president. The Donald now speaks of running for president. Oh joy!


  1. As someone said a few days ago of Trump, "A game show host with a dead muskrat on his head sounds very presidenti­al to me".

  2. Nevertheless, the move left the Church of England's own spokesmen scratching their heads about the doctrinal implications. "Confirmation is a formal recognition of full membership of the Church of England, but we're not really a membership organisation," said one.

    "Not really a membership organization"? So why The Covenant?

  3. I dread the primaries here in the US. Hopefully Trump will find other activities to occupy his mind and bank account before the Iowa caucus. I would hate to see anyone be foolish enough to contribute to his campaign. Since I'm sure he avoids paying as much tax as he can, he's really loaded!

  4. Trump running for president is a downright scary thought.

  5. Good description, Lapin.

    No one in favor of the daft covenant has ever made a decent, rational argument for the damned thing.

    One blanches at the possible line-up of Republican candidates: Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Donald Trump, Rand Paul, etc. At times I think, the loonier, the better, but then I think, OMG! They could be elected.

  6. The Donald?

    Let's see, a clown with a bad comb-over, who inherited a lot of real estate in New York City, but who still managed to take 4 ventures into bankruptcy court...

    For Marriage Equality and Pro-choice, until he was against them.

    A serial adulterer who has been married repeatedly.

    Obama's mouth must water at the prospect!

  7. Also in The Guardian concerning the Forthcoming Marriage.

  8. Wade, after Sarah Palin as a serious candidate for the vice-presidency, no candidate that the Republicans come up with would surprise me.

    Lapin, the film sounds like a classic that will quickly be included in the the top ten list of worst films ever made.

  9. I thought we'd moved on from people feeling obliged to do things out of duty.

  10. "Sir", we're speaking of the royal family! The royals never move beyond being obliged to do things out of duty.

  11. True, Mimi. Regard the sacrifices Prince Charles, a sanctimonious Anglican if ever there was one, made to uphold the sanctity of marriage.

  12. Lapin, Charles had to wait a good long time to resume holding up the sanctity of marriage with Camilla.

  13. Always happy to have another Anglican but the idea that it is impossible for an heir to the throne to marry a Roman Catholic is abhorent.

    ALMOST as bad as the Donald as President.

  14. Actually, Mimi, I was thinking of the way in which he gave up his relationship with Camilla to uphold his fidelity to Diana.

  15. susankay, it is. I think the fear of another religious war still hovers.

    Lapin, when did Charles do that?

  16. Can I say this here because I don't think I can say it anywhere else... it's not Donald's hair that gets me, it is his prissy little mouth (and then what comes out of it)... and whatever makeup they put on him for his interview made him look as though he was in end-stage renal or liver failure.

  17. Caminante, say it here. Why not? Do you feel better now?

    Your comment made me smile. Certain aspects of our appearances we can't change, but makeup and hairstyle, we can.

    WV: "menthol" - to cover the odor. I guess I'm not signed in.


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