Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Rick Santorum announces the formation of a presidential exploratory committee.
"Let America be America again."


Rep. Anthony Weiner chokes up and admits he did it and then lied about it.
"This was a very dumb thing to do."


The Louisiana House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill to place a Ten Commandments monument in front of the State Capitol.
"HB277 generated debate prior in a House committee when it was questioned whether such a monument could make non-Christians and Jews uncomfortable." (My emphasis)

What can I say?

UPDATE: Neither Rick Santorum nor any of his brilliant aides came up with his campaign slogan. The words come from a poem by Langston Hughes:

Let America Be America Again

Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.

(America never was America to me.)

by Langston Hughes


  1. I am going back on the Long Trail where I can't read the news.

  2. Oh wise Caminante, you take the better part. Have a wonderful walk.

  3. Do we know which version of the Commandments they intend to put on the monument?

  4. "America be America again" - a wasteland under two miles of ice?

    Want to make sure they're not making Anthony Weiner feel uncomfortable about committing adultery in his heart, maybe?

  5. The link under Anthony Wiener goes to the Santorum story. Just saying.

  6. Jeffri, I don't know. The article didn't say which version.

    Lapin, Weiner was a champion of good causes, but he let us all down. I don't give him a pass.

    susan s., thanks. I fixed the link.

  7. Once I knew a fabulous person in Los Angeles who was a extra in the movie biz-- business wasn´t so hot so she wanted to start a professional ¨slapping service¨-- off she´d go wherever directed by her subscribers and paying clients-- I´d like to have engaged her for a Sick Ricky Sanatorium meet up-- this dangerous-to-others dude is a serious case.

  8. Why does "exploratory" suddenly have a slightly naughty edge to it?

  9. Leonardo, I read somewhere that Rick's explorations are not bringing in good news for him as a viable candidate.

    Tobias, why? Because it's Rick?

  10. Rick Santorum is a DISASTER! I know ... I live in Pennsylvania. We couldn't wait to get rid of him.

  11. I wonder if Santorum, or his aids, bothered to finish Langston Hughes' poem. They might have second thoughts.

  12. whiteycat, we don't want Santorum. He'll do himself in, I believe.

    Counterlight, here's more.

    Out of the rack and ruin of our gangster death,
    The rape and rot of graft, and stealth, and lies,
    We, the people, must redeem
    The land, the mines, the plants, the rivers.
    The mountains and the endless plain--
    All, all the stretch of these great green states--
    And make America again!

    Somehow, I don't think that's what Rick has in mind.

  13. If only detergent, bleach, and hot water worked on Santorum as well as they do on santorum.

    Yes, I'm naughty. Why do you ask?

  14. Yes, Paul, very naughty. Very, very naughty.

    We just can't have him.

  15. One of those exorcisms that currently seem to be the rage at Stand Firm might help. Love to see the party of David Vitter and toe-tapping Larry Whatsisname coming on all moral. But being a liberal is, of course, what actually makes his action so reprehensible. Did you see Rachel Maddow this evening saying "Hey, he [Weiner] lied to me too, but what's with the Republicans coming over all moral about this"

    Gigi has caught a waterbug and there's no peace to be had right now in the midst of her joy. G'night.

  16. I think I am going to be depressed for another 4 years. Right now (or should I say left now) I am not enamoured of either party. One party wants to chop the head off all social programs and the other party can't wait to sharpen the axe.

  17. Lapin, it's a sorry sight to see Republican hypocrites huffing and puffing about morality. Still, I feel so let down. I don't expect politicians to be any better than the rest of us, but it's the stupidity of what Weiner did that's so hard to believe.

    Fred, my consolation is to think of the state of the country had McCain/Palin had been elected. It could be worse.


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