Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Click on the signs for the larger view. Thank you.

Thanks to Ann.


  1. I've been working out of makeshift offices for the past six weeks. These signs really tickled my funny bone. Thanks. (They are all too true!)

    wv: rositype-what you get when your possessed printer runs out of black ink.

  2. rositype-what you get when your possessed printer runs out of black ink.

    BooCat, that is wonderfully funny.

  3. Great signs; just sent two (2, 5) to the parish secretary.


    Some funky dayglo ink you throw in the copier when the black ink runs out

  4. sign says ya got to have a membership card to get inside.

  5. On the out-of-order copier, I like, "No - We do not know what you are going to do now."

  6. Re: the office machine postings - I laughed like a person possessed! Oh Yessss! I worked in a parish where the horrible "Gestetner" Printer was kept in a room on the third floor of a huge old rectory. to use the dratted machine, you had to type your program on "Master copy" sheets. Correcting a typo was slow business. And then to trot over to the Rectory and climb up to the third floor to a room where the windows were stuck shut, ink the silk screen (praying it was evenly inked)and push "on". One hot day I had to run off the Confirmation programs, a 6 page nightmare. When I pushed "on"the machine began to print but then started shooting the copies all over the room with great speed and force. The Pastor was on the 2nd floor below and heard my rushing footsteps trying to catch the flying copies and he came panting up the stairs yelling "what do u think u r doing?" Sigh!
    I suppose it is too much to consider ordination for women if they can't ever run a printing press, eh? :>)

  7. Nij, the signs seem to have struck a chord. I'm old enough to remember the copiers gone wild and the delicate art of inking.

    My compact printer, copier, scanner works so faithfully for me that it seems like a miracle compared to my struggles with old, monster copiers of long times past.

  8. Yes, Mimi, my modern 4 task machine is wonderful also. The thing about the Gestetner was that if the ink was too thick on part of the silk screen, you had to blot it with paper towel, a little bit, but not too
    much, aarrrgggghhh!

    Thanks again for a truly funny post.

  9. Nij, what is the 4th task?

    I tried to avoid the inking procedure if at all possible, thus I was never very good at it, since I didn't get a lot of practice.

  10. Typically the four tasks of a multipurpose printer would be printing, scanning, copying, and faxing.

  11. Yep, that's the four I mentioned.....
    much improved these days, Even changing the ink cartridges is a cinch. Glory days!

  12. Oh yes, faxing. We don't do faxing. We go to our nearby, still locally-owned bank, on the few occasions when we need to fax a document. There's a lot to be said for local ownership.


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