Saturday, September 10, 2011



Working on my PC Notebook is just not the same. I'm lost without my desktop PC. My old computer is at the store to have all the material transferred to the new model we purchased yesterday. I feel so scrunched working on the laptop, but it is something and better than nothing.

Added note: The sound is not good.


  1. Mimi, that image looks suspiciously like a MacBook.... ;-)

  2. IT, I can't find the exact page from which I took the screen shot, but the laptop is definitely an HP. It is very like the computer I'm typing on right now, an HP Pavilion dv2700, but for the pad, which is silver on mine. If I can find the picture, I will give a link.

  3. IT, to allay your suspicions, here's the link to the HP page.

  4. I know I would feel the same . . . but at least you HAVE a Notebook [which I understand are becoming obsolete, in the Age of iPad. I (dinosaur) better find a way to get me one, before it's too late! :-0]

  5. JCF, I know. My post looks whiney even to me. It's such a small thing, but I feel like I'm missing an arm. I use the notebook when Tom needs the desktop. Thankfully, he doesn't know how to use the notebook, so he can't take it away from me.


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