Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Good morning, Brothers and Sisters:

The agenda for our upcoming College of Presbyters is attached. If you have not already registered, there is online registration. Please go to http://www.solepisc.org . On the left hand side click on a box entitled, "Info about and Registration for Upcoming Events." Then click on Clergy & Committee Meetings. From there you can see info about the College and submit your online registration.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday, October 24. Please remember to bring your Bible.

The Rt. Rev'd Morris K. Thompson, Jr.
Bishop of Louisiana
Above is an email from my bishop, Morris Thompson, to the clergy of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana on the upcoming College of Presbyters, which was posted at Stand Firm (no link) without commentary. Some folks, like Festivus over there, must not have enough to do. Is the object of the post to mock Bishop Morris and the priests of the diocese? Are we to conclude that if Louisiana was a proper reasserter diocese, served by proper reasserter clergy, the bishop would not need to remind them to bring their Bibles? If not, then what IS the point?

Is Festivus a member of the clergy in Louisiana, or did a friendly clergy member supply the email?

Hmm. Many questions.


  1. Very strange.

    As a regional dean, I'm always reminding clergy to bring their Bibles to our deanery meetings. That's because we don't always have Bible study at the meetings, but when we do, they appreciate the reminder. It certainly doesn't mean they don't read their Bibles (pretty well al of them pray the daily office, after all!).

    Mind you, most of them have Bibles on their iPhones nowadays!!!

  2. P.S. How is your new bishop getting along, Mimi?

  3. Well, I think. I like him very much, which is what really counts, isn't it? ;-)

  4. "Let dogs delight to bark and bite ..."

  5. What the heck. Here's the link with all the lovely comments.

  6. Seriously. Lapin's right. They're getting to you, Mimi. Just ignore trash and it blows away with the wind.

  7. Mark, I know. Sarah recently linked to one of my posts, and some of the nicer folks from the SF crowd came to leave comments. I checked in over there to see their commentary on the post that linked, and I saw the silly pettiness about my bishop and decided to write about it. Really! Do they have nothing better to do?

    Now I'll probably ignore them for a long time. Truly, I couldn't spend much time at their site. It's very much a downer experience.

  8. I succumb to the outrage, too. If a child behaved the way they do, you might think him a brat but it wouldn't affect you too much - he/she can grow out of it.

    These are supposed to be adults, and their silly pettiness (nicely put) really is unseemly, embarrassing, and infuriating, even if it doesn't actually accomplish any harm to us. I know adults can grow out of things, but if they insulate themselves from adulthood?

  9. If they were nice children, one wouldn't mind so that they never grow up.

  10. These folks are just not worth the effort, Mimi. Ignore them.

  11. Recently there has been an increasingly aggressive push by "reasserters" to foul the nets at any moderate blog that will tolerate their antics. One site has been so infested in recent weeks that one wonders if one has blundered into Stand Firm Lite. Can't imagine you sitting inactive as that happens here.

  12. Elizabeth, I know you're right. I had a sudden attack of protectiveness toward my bishop.

    Lapin, the reasserters came to the post that Sarah linked, but they left and have not been back. I don't think they see me as important or influential enough to hang around. But I have no problem with a warning about repetitiousness or obnoxiousness and then deleting. After all, I was banned from SF for quoting the Gospel.


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